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The Zero Hunger Challenge

Committee on Forestry, 22nd Session

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    Supporting the Zero Hunger Challenge in Antigua and barbuda, Grenada and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - TCP/SLC/3502 2019
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    Antigua and Barbuda, Grenada and St. Vincent and the Grenadines areexperiencing drastic changes in their agro-food systems, which stem fromhigh demand for, and dependency on, imported food and food products.Although the food and agriculture sector was traditionally a maincontributor to economic development, agricultural production hassignificantly declined over the past two decades. Growing consumption ofcommercial food comes at the expense of local and traditional staples, suchas fruits, vegetables and legumes, which has been linked to decliningagricultural production in and around homes. Imported foods are heavilyprocessed and high in salt, sugar and fat. Moreover, correlations betweenincreasing imports of processed food and nutrition-related diseases inthe Caribbean have been observed. The region also has the highestmortality rates caused by non-communicable disease and the highestobesity rate in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) region.In response, this project aimed to establish special programmes forsmall-scale, backyard and school gardens to improve food availability andhealthy eating habits and empower women and youth.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    From Fome Zero to Zero Hunger
    A global perspective
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    Hunger is on the rise again in the world after a decade of decline. Hunger not only cruelly affects the well-being of people, it also undermines national development prospects of any kind. It erodes human capital and productivity and exists in direct contradiction to the human right to adequate food. But hunger is a scourge that can be eradicated. This publication discusses the international Zero Hunger agenda in light of the achievements of the Fome Zero programme in Brazil. It revisits successful initiatives and discusses current actions, while also critically assessing new and growing challenges to the global food security agenda: obesity and climate change.

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