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Inspector’s manual on specific pest surveys

FAO. 2020. Inspector's manual on specific pest surveys. Budapest. 

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    Manualul inspectorului privind supravegherea organismelor dăunătoare specifice 2021
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    Manualul inspectorului privind supravegherea organismelor dăunătoare specifice“ a fost elaborat de Organizația pentru Alimentație și Agricultură (FAO) Oficiul Regional pentru Europa și Asia Centrală (REU) în cadrul proiectelor „Consolidarea capacităților serviciilor naționale de control fitosanitar în 4 țări Est Europene” (TCP/RER/3503) și “Suport pentru dezvoltarea sistemelor de supraveghere a organismelor dăunătoare plantelor si sistemelor de certificare fitosanitară” (TCP/RER/3705). Manualul are ca obiectiv consolidarea capacităților naționale ale Republicii Moldova de ași proteja teritoriul și culturile agricole de bază de cele mai importante organisme dăunătoare din punct de vedere economic, precum și metodelor de control ale acestor organisme dăunătoare, luînd în considerație nu doar eficacitatea măsurilor întreprinse, dar și protecția mediului înconjurător și sănătatea consumatorilor.
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    Baseline survey on emerging pests in Eastern Africa
    Programme support to the establishment of the Eastern African Emerging Pests Programme on Early Warning, Preparedness and Response System
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    Globalization, trade, and climate change, as well as reduced resilience in production systems due to decades of agricultural intensification, have played roles in the spread of pests. One of the significant threats to sustainable crop production across Eastern African countries is the increasing phenomenon of the introduction and spread of emergent pests.FAO Subregional Office for Eastern Africa (SFE), in collaboration, with the Centre for Agriculture and Bioscience International (CABI) undertook a survey and assessment to review the status of early warning, preparedness, and response capacities of NPPOs and agriculture extension services in the Eastern African countries. The survey involved a desk review of emergent pests, including insects, diseases, nematodes, and weeds. This report describes the status of their distribution in Eastern Africa, biological characteristics, description of hosts and symptoms on hosts as well as their economic importance and associated phytosanitary risks. The Intervention is designed to gather baseline information for developing fit-for-purpose initiatives to safeguard productivity and reduce vulnerabilities to shocks affecting food and nutrition security caused by pests and strengthen the relevant capacities of stakeholders to cope with these threats. The overall output is to develop a roadmap for surveillance, monitoring, and early response to emerging pests in Eastern Africa. Review of the existing plant protection acts and legislation; pest-listing activities for countries to develop lists of quarantine and non-quarantine pests and undertaking national contingency planning for prioritized pests are among the major recommended interventions.
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    Regional status of pest surveillance in the context of ISPM No. 6: International Standard for Phytosanitary Measures – Guidelines for Pest Surveillance
    Analysis of the responses to the Implementation Review and Support System (IRSS) questionnaire from APPPC countries
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    An fundamental activity of national plant protection organizations is to conduct pest surveillance. For the purpose of international trade, the results of pest surveillance provide the basis for pest listing, identification of pest status, pest categorization and the conduct of pest risk analyses. In 1997, the International Plant Protection Convention issued the International Standard for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPM) No. 6: Guidelines for surveillance to assist national organizations in the imp lementation of this critical activity. In 2011, it was decided to review these guidelines and identify challenges faced by the contracting parties for implementation, as well as identify resources for resolving those challenges. At the request of the Standards Committee of the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC), the Implementation Review and Support System will catalogue the challenges faced and make recommendations to the review panel of ISPM No. 6 on ways to improve the standard. It will also gather examples of best practices globally so that appropriate training materials and manuals might be prepared under the capacity development programme of the IPPC. For the purpose of this review, a questionnaire was developed and distributed among national plant protection organizations. Seventeen countries from Asia and the Pacific region responded to this call and completed the questionnaire, composed of three parts: the questionnaire, technical resources and best practices. Th e results from the survey were compiled and analyzed, and are presented in this publication, which reflects the current status of pest surveillance in the region. Conclusions and recommendations are included in the report.

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