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Book (stand-alone)Activating Fisherwomen for Development through Trained Link Workers in Tamil Nadu, India - BOBP/REP/27 1986
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No results found.This document is the report of a BOBP-assisted pilot project on improving the socio-economic conditions of women from fishing communities of Tamil Nadu. The strategy adopted was group action among fisherwomen led by trained “link workers”. They were to serve as links between the villages and the government, and try to ensure that all available welfare and subsidy schemes for fisherwomen, government and private, were extended to their villages. A proposal for statewide expansion of the link w orker scheme, formulated at government request, is part of the paper. Also included as an Appendix is a fairly detailed case-study of the efforts undertaken by the link workers, the problems encountered and the results obtained in a single village - Chemmencheri. The activities reported in the paper were carried out between 1981 and 1984. On behalf of BOBP, a socioeconomist was responsible for project activities. Two Deputy Directors of Fisheries from the Government of Tamil Nadu, MS Freda Cha ndrasekaran and Ms. Mekala Devadoss, were the main government counterparts. Two social workers engaged by BOBP, MS N. Valli and Ms. R. Veronica, two government extension officers, Ms. D. Bee and Ms. R. Meenakshi, and 21 link workers from the fishing villages, supervised field work. Excellent cooperation was extended by the Natesan Cooperative Training College, Madras, and by its Principal, ‘Mr Rajaram, in conducting a course for fisherwomen on management of cooperatives. -
ProjectCoastal Village Development In Four Fishing Communities Of Adirampattinam, Tamil Nadu, India - BOBP/WP/19 1982
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No results found.This paper describes four fishing communities of Adirampattinam, a town about 350km from Madras, and analyses their social structure. It also describes the strategy adopted by the Bay of Bengal Programme to improve the lot of these communities and the experimental work in this direction — which was carried out in cooperation with the fisheries department of Tamil Nadu and non-government agencies. This paper was drafted early 1982 and refers mainly to work carried out during 1980 - 1981. The Bay of Bengal Programme for the Development of Small-Scale Fisheries, GCP/RA5/040/SWE, referred to in brief as the Bay of Bengal Programme (BOBP), is funded by the Swedish International Development Authority (SIDA) and executed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Five countries — Bangladesh, India, Malaysia, Sri Lanka and Thailand are members of the Programme. Its main aims are to develop, demonstrate and promote technologies and methodologies to improve the c onditions of small-scale fisherfolk and the supply of fish from the small-scale sector in the Bay of Bengal region. This document is a working paper and has not been cleared by the FAO, the Government of Tamil Nadu or the Government of India. -
Book (stand-alone)Income-earning Activities for Women from Fishing Communities in Sri Lanka - BOBP/REP/21 1985
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No results found.This report describes two pilot activities in Sri Lanka meant to explore incomeearning opportunities for women from fishing communities. The activities relate to coir production in Ulhitiyawa, and sewing and tailoring in Mirissa. The report has been written up essentially as a case study of the two pilot activities, especially of the process of planning and implementation; It is not a complete record of the activities. The report concludes that the pilot activities have, on the whole, yielde d promising results. However, lack of management skills among women from fishing communities remains a major lacuna. The report, and the pilot activities it describes, have been organized by the smallscale fisheries project of the Bay of Bengal Programme (BOBP), in cooperation with several agencies: the Sri Lanka Mahila Samiti, a voluntary organization; the Women’s Bureau of the Ministry of Plan Implementation; and the Welfare Division of the Ministry of Fisheries.
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