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Renewable energy for agrifood chains

Investing in solar energy in Rwanda

Puri, M., Rincon, L. and Maltsoglou, I. 2021. Renewable energy for agrifood chains – Investing in solar energy in Rwanda. Rome, FAO.

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    Renewable energy interventions in the wheat landscape in Uzbekistan 2023
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    Energy, climate change and agriculture are closely interlinked, and the introduction of renewable energy interventions in the agriculture sector can catalyse poverty reduction and climate change mitigation. The agricultural is an important sector of the economy for Uzbekistan as it employ over 26 percent of the total working population. Uzbekistan has universal access to energy in addition to significant fossil fuel resources, which are supported by a well-extended energy distribution network. However, the energy sector faces several challenges due to inefficient and outdated infrastructure, resulting in high losses as well as power outages, especially in rural areas. Access to stable energy is essential to rural farmers, especially for irrigation, as the impact of climate change is expected to intensify in the near future. This report is part of the technical analysis that informs the GEFs project preparation grant application (PPG) under the GEFs food system, land use and restoration (FOLUR) impact programme. The focus of the analysis is on three regions of Uzbekistan: the Republic of Karakalpakstan, Kashkadarya and Khorezm. Firstly, the report provides an overview of solar energy, wind energy and specific elements of bioenergy potential. Building on this, the report identifies specific renewable energy interventions that can enhance the agriculture production of wheat landscapes in the selected regions in Uzbekistan. In addition to the wheat value chain, the alfalfa, dairy and horticulture chains were identified as important chains for the country and the specific regions being considered. Furthermore, the assessment provides details on the specific types of renewable energy interventions that could be implemented for the specific value chains under evaluation, as well as the related costs and investment requirements. These interventions can help stabilize access to energy for farmers and overcome some of the current access shortages.
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    Opportunities for Agri-Food Chains to become Energy-Smart 2015
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    The world’s agri-food supply chains are being challenged. For several decades, the production, processing and distribution of food have been highly dependent on fossil fuel inputs (the exception being subsistence farmers who use only manual labor and perhaps animal power to produce food for their families that is then usually cooked on inefficient biomass cook-stoves). There has also been an ever growing demand for food as the world population grows, along with the increasing demand for higher p rotein diets. As a result, the agri-food production and processing sector has become a major producer of greenhouse gases (GHGs) This report aims to assist actors along the value chains, policy makers and other stakeholders in the agri-food industry to reduce the dependence on fossil fuels, reduce related greenhouse gas emissions, and become more resilient to possible future climate change impacts. Findings also show that the current dependence on fossil fuel inputs by the agri-food indust ry results in around seven to eight percent of GHG emissions. These emissions can be reduced by both improved energy efficiency along the agri-food chain and the deployment of renewable energy systems to displace fossil fuels. Various co-benefits identified - improved health, time saving, reduced drudgery, water savings, increased productivity, improved soil quality and nutrient values, biodiversity protection, food security, and better livelihoods and quality of life - should be taken into acco unt in any related policy development. As well, potential trade-offs also need to be carefully considered, in particular the use of more packaging materials to increase the shelf life of food products and ensuring that clean energy solutions do not compromise food production and food security. Moreover, what may be a suitable solution for an industrialized corporate farming system may not apply to a small family or subsistence farming systems. The challenge is to meet growing energy demands with low-carbon energy systems and to use the energy efficiently throughout the production, transport, processing, storage and distribution of food that takes into account the diversity of food production conditions.
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    Costs and benefits of solar irrigation systems in Senegal 2018
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    The FAO project “Investing in Energy Sustainable Technologies in Agrifood Sector” (INVESTA) developed a methodology to analyze energy interventions in the agrifood sector . The main purpose of the methodology is to assess costs and benefits associated with renewable energy and energy efficiency practices and to highlight hidden socio-economic and environmental costs and benefits of such interventions. This is important for decision-making for better targeting investments that will result in a net benefit to the society. This publication summarizes the results of the application of the INVESTA methodology to solar irrigation systems in two international cooperation projects in Senegal.

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