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Costs and benefits of solar irrigation systems in Senegal

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    Book (series)
    Renewable energy interventions in the wheat landscape in Uzbekistan 2023
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    Energy, climate change and agriculture are closely interlinked, and the introduction of renewable energy interventions in the agriculture sector can catalyse poverty reduction and climate change mitigation. The agricultural is an important sector of the economy for Uzbekistan as it employ over 26 percent of the total working population. Uzbekistan has universal access to energy in addition to significant fossil fuel resources, which are supported by a well-extended energy distribution network. However, the energy sector faces several challenges due to inefficient and outdated infrastructure, resulting in high losses as well as power outages, especially in rural areas. Access to stable energy is essential to rural farmers, especially for irrigation, as the impact of climate change is expected to intensify in the near future. This report is part of the technical analysis that informs the GEFs project preparation grant application (PPG) under the GEFs food system, land use and restoration (FOLUR) impact programme. The focus of the analysis is on three regions of Uzbekistan: the Republic of Karakalpakstan, Kashkadarya and Khorezm. Firstly, the report provides an overview of solar energy, wind energy and specific elements of bioenergy potential. Building on this, the report identifies specific renewable energy interventions that can enhance the agriculture production of wheat landscapes in the selected regions in Uzbekistan. In addition to the wheat value chain, the alfalfa, dairy and horticulture chains were identified as important chains for the country and the specific regions being considered. Furthermore, the assessment provides details on the specific types of renewable energy interventions that could be implemented for the specific value chains under evaluation, as well as the related costs and investment requirements. These interventions can help stabilize access to energy for farmers and overcome some of the current access shortages.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Measuring Impacts and Enabling Investments in Energy-Smart Agrifood Chains
    Findings from four country studies
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    This publication i) illustrates how costs and benefits of energy interventions including their impacts along the agrifood value chain can be measured at country level, ii) applies the analysis to 11 country case studies, iii) identifies barriers, possible solutions, business models and success factors for the adoption of energy technologies, and iv) draws general recommendations for investors and decision makers. This report summarizes the analysis and main findings stemming from the FAO project “Investing in Energy Sustainable Technologies for the Agrifood Sector” (INVESTA). FAO has been working together with GIZ and partners of the international initiative Powering Agriculture: An Energy Grand Challenge for Development (PAEGC) since 2014. PAEGC, also partnered by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), supports the development and deployment of clean energy innovations that increase agriculture productivity and stimulate low carbon economic growth in the agriculture sector of developing countries to help end extreme poverty and extreme hunger.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Costs and Benefits of Clean Energy Technologies in the Philippines' Rice Value Chain 2018
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    This policy brief summarizes the policy recommendations stemming from the FAO Investing in Sustainable Energy Technologies for the Agrifood Sector (INVESTA) project. Here the focus is on how to foster investment and adoption of rice husk gasification and solar-powered domestic rice millers in the Philippines.

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