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Report of the Preparatory Meeting for the Global Forum of Food Safety Regulators

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    FAO/WHO Concept Paper Global Forum of Food Safety Regulators 2001
    Purpose: To convene, on a regular basis, Global Fora of Food Safety Regulators to promote the exchange of information on approaches and experiences in dealing with current food safety issues of potential importance to public health and international food trade to advance the process of science-based public consultations and to facilitate capacity building, particularly in developing countries.
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    Report of the 2nd Preparatory Meeting for the Global Forum of Food Safety Regulators 2001
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    Discussion Groups and topics - The Meeting agreed that the first Global Forum will be held over a three day period during October 2001, with plenary sessions as well as four Discussion Groups. The Meeting had agreed on a Central Theme for the first Global Forum, this being, "Improvement of efficiency and transparency in food safety systems - sharing experiences". Four broad topics of interest were agreed upon to be considered by the Discussion Groups in the context of the Central Theme. These we re: Regulatory issues; Risk management; Capacity building; and Communication and participation. Following discussions and agreement by the Meeting, the secretariat prepared a summary document outlining the Discussion Groups, their assigned topic areas, a general statement of the proposed scope of each topic and a brief list of possible items to consider within each topic, in approximate priority order. This document is attached as Annex 5.
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    Book (series)
    ACFR - Report of the Working Party on Status and Trends of Fisheries. Rome, 30 November - 3 December 1999. 2000
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    The Advisory Committee on Fisheries Research (ACFR) at its First Session proposed as a priority the establishment by FAO of a Working Party on Status and Trends of Fisheries to: (a) evaluate data needs for status and trends reporting on a global scale on marine fisheries and propose a common template of essential information elements; (b) propose arrangements for the involvement of regional fishery bodies and non-FAO experts in a consensus-seeking process for assembling, reviewing and di sseminating fishery status and trends information (including reporting to COFI), and (c) advise on the relationship between FAO's data collection and status and trends reporting programme and the Living Marine Resources module of the Global Ocean Observing System (LMR-GOOS). This is the report of the first meeting of the Working Party which met in Rome from 30 November to 3 December 1999. Owing to the importance of status and trends reports, and the scrutiny they receive, the Working P arty recommended that the global system of status and trends reporting be advanced by: (a) increasing completeness by including some fisheries and fishery resources that are currently under-represented; (b) expanding the scope of current reports which are primarily on catch and fishery resource information to include other dimensions of fisheries (e.g. reports on economic and social aspects), and (c) enhancing quality assurance and credibility. The Working Party endorsed FAO’s recent d evelopment of an advanced Web-based fisheries information system for status and trends information (currently referred to as FIGIS) as a critical tool for advancing status and trend reporting. The Working Party recommended that a draft International Plan of Action to advance status and trends reporting on world fisheries should be prepared, which would include: (a) steps to complete development of a status and trends information database; (b) capacity building and arrangements for usin g FIGIS; (c) development of cost-effective methods for acquiring and validating information on the status and trends of small-scale fisheries and multispecies fisheries; (d) an inventory of world fisheries and stocks; (e) priority for expanding the scope of status and trends reporting; (f) appropriate partnership arrangements with existing regional bodies, and other entities; (g) identification of needs and opportunities for new regional arrangements where appropriate arrangements do n ot now exist; (h) practical guidelines for quality assurance, and (i) the role of local, regional, and global scientific working parties as a vehicle for status and trends reporting, capacity building, and quality assurance.

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