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EIFAC - Report of the Symposium on Interactions between Social, Economic and Ecological Objectives of Inland Commercial and Recreational Fisheries and Aquaculture. Antalya, Turkey, 21–24 May 2008.

held in connection with the European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission

FAO European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission.Report of the Symposium on Interactions between Social, Economic and Ecological Objectives of Inland Commercial and Recreational Fisheries and Aquaculture. Antalya, Turkey, 21–24 May 2008, held in connection with the European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission twenty-fifth session. Antalya, Turkey, 21–28 May 2008.FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Report. No. 871, Suppl. Rome, FAO. 2008. 43p.

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    Book (stand-alone)
    Proceedings of the symposium on Interactions between social, economic and ecological objectives of inland commercial and recreational fisheries and aquaculture. Antalya, Turkey, 21-24 May 2008. 2010
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    The symposium on Interactions between Social, Economic and Ecological Objectives of Inland Commercial and Recreational Fisheries and Aquaculture, was organized in conjunction with the Twenty-Fifth Session of the European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission (EIFAC) in Antalya, Turkey, from 21 to 24 May 2008. The symposium objectives were: 1) To review the wide range of socio-economic and ecological interactions between fi sheries and aquaculture and the roles of various stakeholders with respect to these interactions. 2) To identify where future research should focus and propose measures to decrease interactions that compromise sustainable development and management, and promote interactions that contribute to sustainability. 3) To provide information to policy and decision makers to contribute to the general awareness of trends in socio-economic and ecological interactions within and between the sector and other rural sectors. 4) To facilitate dialogue betwee n scientists, researchers, fi sherfolk, aquaculturists and policy and decision makers on the motives, interactions and interests of stakeholders. 5) To advise EIFAC on appropriate management and development measures and tools for inland fi sheries and aquaculture in Europe. This Occasional Paper, in conjunction with a special issue of Fisheries Management and Ecology, represents the proceedings of the symposium. The Report of the symposium was published in 2008 as EIFAC FAO Fisheries and Aqauculture Report No. 871. The symposium made considerable progress towards understanding the interactions between ecological/environmental and socio-economic/governance objectives for fi sheries and aquaculture. There was a broad recognition that inland fi sheries and aquaculture need to shift from a sectoral view where they are treated in isolation to an integrated, multi-disciplinary systems view.
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    Book (series)
    EIFAC - Report of the twenty-fifth session of the European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission. Antalya, Turkey, 21–28 May 2008. 2008
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    The twenty-fifth session of the European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission (EIFAC) was held in Antalya, Turkey, from 21 to 28 May 2008, in concomitance with a Symposium on Interactions between Social, Economic and Ecological Objectives of Inland Commercial and Recreational Fisheries and Aquaculture. The session reviewed EIFAC’s activities since 2006 in the fields of fishery biology and management, aquaculture, protection of the aquatic environment and social and economic issues. The session revised and decided EIFAC’s future programme of work, in particular the activities which should be carried out until the next session of the Commission in 2010, and reviewed the functioning of EIFAC. The twenty-sixth session will be preceded by a Symposium that will focus on multifunctional inland aquaculture.
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    Report of the Ninth Session of the Sub-Committee on Economic and Social Sciences (SCESS) including the report of the Transversal Working Group on Recreational Fisheries. Antalya, Turkey, 13-16 October 2008
    <i>Meeting document GFCM:SAC11/2008/Inf.7</i>
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    Summary of the ninth session of Sub-Committee on Economic and Social Sciences (SCESS) was held in Antalya, Turkey, from 13 to 16 October 2008. It was attended by 15 experts from 9 members of GFCM, namely Albania, Algeria, EC, Italy, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia, Spain and Turkey as well as representatives from the "Confédération Internationale de la Pêche Sportive (CIPS)"

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