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Comprehensive Report IOTC-OFCF Project Phase II (June 2007 ~ March 2010)

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    Comprehensive Report IOTC-OFCF Project (Phase III) (June 2010 ~ March 2013) 2014
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    The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the IOTC and the Overseas Fishery Cooperation Foundation of Japan (OFCF) was initiated in April 2002, with providing technical guidance for Projects to assist developing countries in the Indian Ocean region to improve the data collection and quality of fisheries statistics. Phases I (April 2002 - March 2007) and II (June 2007 -March 2010) of the Project ran for eight consecutive years. The success of Phase I and II of the Project, the OFCF agreed to support the implementation of a new phase (Phase III) for a maximum of three years from 2010 to 2012. The Terms of Reference of Phase III focus on support of IOTC coastal countries in the strengthening of activities related to the Regiol Observer Scheme, specially focusing on artisal fisheries in IOTC Resolution 11/04, 4. The number of the artisal fishing vessels landings shall also be monitored at the landing place by field samplers. The indicative level of the coverage of the artisal fishing v essels should progressively increase towards 5% of the total levels of vessel activity (i.e. total number of vessel trips or total number of vessels active). A new MOU between the IOTC and the OFCF was signed in June 15th 2010 including the provision of funds and detachment of an OFCF Expert to the IOTC Secretariat in June 30th to coordite the activities of the Project, along with the IOTC Data Coorditor and other staff from the Secretariat, as required. The duration of Phase III of the Project is three years, until March 2013, with funds committed for each year and extension of the Project agreed through exchange of letters between the IOTC and the OFCF. The Project keeps the following three main principles since 2002: ? The activities undertaken under the Project follow the recommendations of the Commission and its relevant subsidiary bodies: the Working Parties and the Scientific Committee. ? There will be no direct fincial implications for IOTC Member countries. ? The activities of the Project should be directed towards reinforcing the statistical systems of developing countries from the region. The present comprehensive report covers the activities of the IOTC-OFCF Project from June 2010 to March 2013, and also includes an overview of the activities implemented through Phase I and Phase II. The following activities were implemented by the Project during Phase III: 1. Comoros: The Project carried out frame survey and Census during January and May 2011, and July and Septem ber 2012 in line with the port sampling activities funded by IOTC and EU, and also provided the training course on catch estimation based on the data collected from the frame and census survey and port sampling activities. Prelimiry estimates of catch and effort were made by the Project. Port sampling scheme used this program showed possibility of 5% coverage of vessels activities 2. Indonesia: The Project held a workshop on the Indonesia catch estimation in March 2012, with the collaboration of the Indonesian Directorate General of Capture Fisheries and other tiol and intertiol organizations including non-government. The Project also published workshop reports in English ad Indonesia in September 2012. 3. Sri Lanka: The Project carried out upgrading the Centralized Database Magement System. This System was in place in the Ministry of Fisheries and Aquatic Fisheries Resource Development in March 2012. The Project also assisted to improve port sampling from November 2012 to February 201 3. The improved sampling aims to cover at least 5% of vessels activities around Sri Lanka 4. Iran: The Project carried out upgrading the Centralized Database Magement System through technical advices including provision of equipment. This System was in place in the Ministry of Fisheries 5. Mauritius: The Project sent a mission to assess and evaluate the collection and processing system of local fisheries including foreign fresh-tu longline fisheries, especially focusing on Albacore, following a recommendation made by the working party on Temperate Tus in August 2012. The Project contributed to improving the quality and quantity of the statistics available at the IOTC, including better catch and effort and size data in conjunction with port sampling activities under the Observer scheme. In addition, the Project addressed recommendations for future cooperation with OFCF which may lead to significant improvements in the area of data collection, processing and reporting. On numerous occasi ons, the IOTC Scientific Committee and other IOTC technical bodies stressed the importance of the activities initiated by the Project, noting that the information collected is of key importance for the assessments of some of the main IOTC stocks.
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    Comprehensive Report IOTC-OFCF Project (April 2002 ~ March 2007) 2014
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    This is a comprehensive report for the IOTC-OFCF Project. The IOTC-OFCF Project had been implemented for five years from April 2002 to March 2007. Objective of the Project was to improve the accuracy of data collection and statistical alysis of the catch and resources of tu in the Indian Ocean. After examition of priority areas which were recommended by IOTC Scientific Committee and relevant working parties, details of Project activities, which would have been put into five major activities to b e defined in the Project MOU, were carefully selected and were carried out every year. Five major activities were (1) Fact finding including compilation of Country Reports, (2) Implementation of Catch Monitoring Programs, (3) Trainings and Workshops, (4) Support for development of FINSS, and (5) Finding historical data. Each activity had mutual relation to attain the objective. The Project dispatched the fact finding mission to 13 countries to assess issues and suitable activity for improvement of tu statistics. Based on Fact finding, Country Reports for 12 countries were compiled. Considering results of fact findings and Country Reports, various aspects of supports including sampling programs, training courses and workshops were planned and implemented. Sampling programs were carried in Indonesia for monitoring catch of Fresh tu longlines from June 2002 to December 2006, Thailand for catch monitoring for foreign fresh tu longline from September 2002 to December 2006, Thailand for catc h monitoring for domestic tu purse seine from November 2005 to October 2006, Sri Lanka for catch monitoring of off shore gillnet/longline fisheries and coastal longline from June 2004 to December 2006, Maldives for mainly collection of size data from artisal fisheries from June 2003 to March 2005, and Oman for yellowfin size data collection for artisal fisheries between January and March in 2003. Besides on-site trainings for each sampling program, intensive training on data collection and catch estimation for Indonesia, Thai and Sri Lanka sampling programs were held. Regiol Workshop on data collection and statistical systems was held and representatives from 10 countries participated. In order to support for development of FINSS (Fisheries Integrated Statistical System), that software was developed by IOTC Secretariat, training course for FINSS and workshop on database administration system were made. Equipment was provided to Mauritius and Tanzania for utilization of FINSS and furthe r swift data processing. FINSS user’s manual was published and distributed to relevant institutes with software. Through fact findings, historical data were collected and computerized. OFCF also provided Fisheries Resource Magement Course, and trainees from relevant 10 countries were invited. Accurate catch, catch and efforts and size statistics were obtained through the Project activities, especially yellowfin and bigeye tu from fresh tu longlines. The Project activities were implemented effici ently, achieved the project goals. Most of sampling programs have been continued independently after the Project activities were termited. Successful implementation of the IOTC-OFCF Project was recognized at Scientific Committee Meeting in 2006, and continuation of the Project was recommended. IOTC and OFCF are discussing the second phase of the Project.
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    Comprehensive Report IOTC-OFCF Project Phase II 2013
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