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The Flexible Multi-partner Mechanism (FMM)

2019 Annual Progress Report

​FAO. 2020. The Flexible Multi-partner Mechanism (FMM) – 2019 Annual Progress Report. Rome

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    Book (series)
    Evaluation of the Flexible Multi-Partner Mechanism (FMM) 2021
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    The Flexible Multi-Partner Mechanism (FMM) is a mechanism through which FAO’s resource partners make unearmarked or lightly earmarked voluntary contributions to support achievement of FAO’s Strategic Objectives. OED conducted an evaluation of the current phase of FMM (2018–2021). The purpose of the evaluation was to inform FMM’s main stakeholders about the fund’s overall performance and also inform its next phase (2022–2025). The evaluation assessed FMM’s strategic positioning; effectiveness of the revised governance and implementation arrangements; key contributions to the achievement of FAO’s Strategic Objectives; and the adaptability of FMM to respond to unplanned scenarios and changes. The evaluation found FMM to be of strategic relevance to FAO as a vehicle for financing innovation, under-funded or emerging areas with flexibility to allocate voluntary contributions to FAO priorities. The evaluation also found evidence of catalytic and transformative elements, primarily in past projects. However, there is considerable scope for improving the FMM so that it contributes to results under the new FAO Strategic Framework.
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    Flexible Multi-Partner Mechanism
    Annual Report 2018
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    The FMM Annual Report for 2018 highlights the concrete results achieved through the continued support of key resource partners. This report details initiatives, innovations, impacts, outcomes and human-centered stories from the field. The report shows how deepening our engagement with resource partners and fostering new alliances is vital to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. The work reported here was largely an extension of the implementation of projects funded during the last phase (2014–2017), and some bridging funds supported by generous contributions to the FMM from the governments of Sweden, the Netherlands, Belgium and Switzerland. This FMM Annual Report for 2018 briefly outlined the results achieved in 27 projects, the lessons learned and challenges encountered. The Annual Report 2018 builds on the progress made since the 2014–2017 medium-term final report. It must be noted that during this reporting period, most of the projects were on no-cost extensions and focused on wrapping up the activities, disseminating results and finalizing evaluations and analyses that were not completed in 2017. In some cases, the projects also helped in catalyzing resource mobilization and scaling up of some activities. In preparation of this report, great care was taken not to duplicate information presented in the 2014–2017 medium term final report and also not to miss out on activities that were carried out in 2017 but not reported in the 2014–2017 report. FAO is pleased to present the results achieved in 2018 through this uniquely flexible funding mechanism in this report. This report does not include new
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    Book (stand-alone)
    The Flexible Multi-Partner Mechanism
    2021 Annual Progress Report (Annex B)
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    The Flexible Multi-Partner Mechanism (FMM), as FAO’s main pooled multi-partner flexible funding instrument, enables resource partners to contribute voluntary and less-earmarked financial resources to support the delivery of programmatic results under FAO’s Strategic Framework. This annex contains the key achievements of individual FMM Subprogrammes in 2021, as reported by their respective implementing units. The annex compliments the results presented in The Flexible Multi-Partner Mechanism – 2021 Annual Progress Report.

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