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Promoting Food Security and Sustainable Development in Africa by Improving Secure Access to Land and Protecting Tenure Rights - GCP/GLO/539/EC

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    Sustaining the Implementation of The Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Lands, Fisheries And Forestry in the Context of National Food Security (VGGT) at National and District Level in Sierra Leone - TCP/SIL/3602 2020
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    In Sierra Leone, the implementation of the globally agreedVoluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance ofTenure of Lands, Fisheries and Forestry in the Context ofNational Food Security (VGGT) began in February 2014under the German-funded project “Support forCountry-Level Implementation of the Voluntary Guidelineson the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land,Fisheries and Forests” (referred to as VGGT ProjectPhase I), which ended on 31 July 2016. Phase I led tothe creation of a comprehensive institutional frameworkrequiring regular and ongoing meetings among keystakeholders from both government and civil societyorganizations.The present project was designed to leverage the benefitsof the implementation of the VGGT and to sustain theimplementation of the key emerging activities, localizingthe implementation of the VGGT at the district level. Thisproject provided the opportunity to incorporate lessonslearned during VGGT Project Phase I and incorporateother stakeholders who had not been fully engagedduring the first phase – in particular the private sector,members of parliament, local authorities etc. – in VGGTimplementation. The importance of continuing toimplement key and high-level activities ensured furtherpolitical buy-in and the application of VGGT principles,not least through the implementation of the newlyapproved National Land Policy (NLP).The overall aim of the project was to sustain theimplementation of the VGGT in Sierra Leone. This was tobe achieved through three main outputs:• A multistakeholder platform that continues topromote, implement and mainstream the VGGT.• Stakeholders in Parliament and at district levelsensitized on the VGGT and on the implementation ofthe NLP.• Support for the implementation of the newly approvedkey natural resources-related sector policies (the NLPand the Fisheries Policy).
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    Support to the Implementation of the New Land Laws in Malawi - TCP/MLW/3601 2020
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    The Government of Malawi began the process of land law reform in 1995. In 2016, four of ten proposed land and land-related bills were enacted by Parliament. However, a poor understanding of the land bills threatened to impedet he enactment of the remaining six bills, which were crucial to the implementation of the already enacted four laws. In partnership with UN Women and LandNet, a local civil society network, the project aimed to support the land law reform process, and to ensure that the land governance framework was operational and that it supported the people of Malawi in the fight against rural poverty and hunger. It would assist the Government to implement the reform by building the capacity of national, district and local structures in preparation for both the implementation of the four newly enacted laws and the enactment of the remaining six laws. It would support awareness-raising for national, district and local structures on the provisions of the new land laws. In particular, it would support women beneficiaries with training in advocacy, confidence-building and group dynamics in order to prepare them for the implementation of the new laws. It would also raise awareness of the Voluntary Guidelines for the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security (VGGT), the Principles of Responsible Agricultural Investment (RAI) and the Right to Adequate Food Guidelines.
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    Governing Land for Women and Men
    Capacity Development Program on Gender and the Voluntary Guidelines for the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forestry in the Context of Food Security (VGGTs)
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    The VGGTs provide a paramount opportunity for reversing gender inequalities in agriculture and for promoting more gender-equitable governance of land tenure. To assist countries in the implementation of the Gender Equality principle of the VGGT, FAO, with the support of the Department for International Development (DFID) and the Government of Germany, has designed a capacity development programme entitled “Governing land for women and men”, aimed to enhance participants’ knowledge and competenci es so as to enable them to contribute to gender-equitable and socially inclusive governance of land tenure when they carry out their daily work. The capacity development programme has two components: a self-paced e-learning course and a blended learning programme. Both are designed for a multi-stakeholder audience, including policy-makers, administrators, civil society organizations, producers’ organizations, academia, and private enterprises working in the land sector. In 2015, the gender-lea rning programme was successfully implemented in Mongolia and South Africa.

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