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The Niger and Burkina Faso: Sida’s contribution to the Special Fund for Emergency and Rehabilitation Activities (SFERA) – Anticipatory Action window

FAO. 2022. The Niger and Burkina Faso: Sida’s contribution to the Special Fund for Emergency and Rehabilitation Activities (SFERA) – Anticipatory Action window. Rome.

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    Rwanda: Belgium’s contribution through the Special Fund for Emergency and Rehabilitation Activities (SFERA) – Anticipatory Action window 2022
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    Rwanda is greatly susceptible to impacts of climate change through its high dependence on rainfed agriculture. Despite the country’s overall growth and development over the last three decades, climate change has resulted in seasonal droughts that are expected to become more prolonged, causing additional challenges, especially in the east and southeast of Rwanda. Adding to the climate-related difficulties facing rural households, food prices in Rwanda have been exceptionally high. Urgent action was needed to improve food security for households expected to face the impacts of combined shocks – drought plus high food and input prices – and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is acting fast. The Government of Belgium’s contribution through the Special Fund for Emergency and Rehabilitation Activities – Anticipatory Action (SFERA-AA) window supports the resilience capacity of smallholder farmers to help them cope with the predicted impacts of drought, protect their assets and maintain their food security. This in turn will promote the adoption of climate-smart agriculture for better production, better nutrition, a better environment, and a better life for all.
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    Sri Lanka: Sida’s contribution to the Special Fund for Emergency and Rehabilitation Activities (SFERA) – Anticipatory Action window 2022
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    Sri Lanka is witnessing an unprecedented economic crisis. Challenges in public finance and the significant reduction in agricultural production compounded by rising prices and limited availability of fuel are disrupting livelihoods. The depreciation of the national currency by more than 70 percent since March 2022 is reducing households’ purchasing power, which may lead to food shortages in the upcoming months, severely affecting populations’ food security. Crop production of the 2021/22 Maha agricultural season (October–March) was nearly halved, and due to insufficient and increased costs of inputs, only a few farmers were able to cultivate their fields for the 2022 Yala season (May–September), leading to further production declines. Thanks to the contribution of the Swedish International Development Agency (Sida) to the Special Fund for Emergency and Rehabilitation Activities (SFERA) – Anticipatory Action window, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is acting now and will provide unconditional cash transfers to the most vulnerable smallholder farmers in Sri Lanka, with the goal of anticipating and mitigating expected food security impacts of the economic crisis. Cash is expected to help farmers cover immediate needs and meet the cost of inputs for growing highly nutrient green gram.
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    Uganda: Belgium's contribution through the Special Fund for Emergency and Rehabilitation Activities (SFERA) – Anticipatory Action window 2023
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    Uganda is a disaster-prone country affected by various types of hazards, with a 16 out of 191 countries ranking in terms of risk, driven by the increasing frequency, intensity and scale of disasters affecting the country. Flooding is among the top hazards, followed by droughts, epidemics and earthquakes. To reduce the impacts of the expected disaster, the Government of the Kingdom of Belgium contributed USD 1 million to FAO to implement immediate anticipatory actions to prepare the communities at risk to cope with the flooding and to enable fast recovery.

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