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The community land rights of women and youth in Tana River and Turkana Counties - A Synthesis report

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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    The Community Land Rights of Women and Youth in Tana River County, Kenya 2017
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    This policy brief presents the main findings of a situational analysis and assessment of women’s and youth’s ability to access community land in Tana River County, Kenya, with a focus on their rights. The brief highlights the fact that even though policy and legal frameworks provide for equal rights and non-discrimination in access to land, women and youth still face many land-related challenges in Tana River County. It looks at the current situation regarding community land rights and examines the barriers that women face trying to realize these rights. It further provides recommendations and strategies that can be used to strengthen and secure rights to community land for women and youth.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    The Community Land Rights of Women and Youth in Turkana County, Kenya 2017
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    This policy brief presents the main findings of a situational analysis and assessment of women’s and youth’s ability to access community land in Turkana County, Kenya, with a focus on their rights. The brief highlights the fact that even though policy and legal frameworks provide for equal rights and nondiscrimination in access to land, women and youth still face many land-related challenges in Turkana County. It looks at the current situation regarding community land rights and examines the bar riers that women face trying to realize these rights. It further provides recommendations and strategies that can be used to strengthen and secure rights to community land for women and youth. This brief aims to inform policymakers, administrators, development partners, and local communities, including women’s and non-governmental organizations working to improve access to land for women and youth.
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    Good Governance and Natural Resource Tenure in the Caribbean Subregion
    Land Tenure Working Paper 17
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    This publication looks at the land governance situation in the Caribbean subregion. This working paper was done in light of FAO’s Voluntary Guidelines on Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land and other Natural Resources. Caribbean countries in general have key issues affecting land and natural resources tenure. This study identifies and assesses these issues and provides examples of good governance in the region.

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