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No Thumbnail AvailableBook (series)Papers presented at the Expert Consultation on the regulation of fishing effort (Fishing mortality)
A preparatory meeting
1984Also available in:
No results found.The papers contained in this supplement cover theoretical aspects of fisheries management and its practice in a general manner. Two aspects of fisheries management are reviewed from the perspective of the market for fish and from the fishermen's view. The majority of the papers discuss specific regulatory techniques such as fixed fishing gear, selectivity of fishing gears including mesh size regulation, controls over numbers of fishing vessels and the effects of various financial measures. Sever al of the papers examine approaches to fisheries regulation that attempt to overcome the common property aspect of fisheries resources. The last paper re-examines the basic equilibrium theory that is applied to most fisheries. -
No Thumbnail AvailableBook (series)Papers presented at the Expert Consultation on the regulation of fishin effort (fishing mortality)
A preparatory meeting
1985Also available in:
No results found.The papers contained in this Supplement are concerned with approaches to regulating fishing effort encountered by individual countries and experiences in the management of specific fisheries. The first paper, by way of introduction to the Supplement, describes the scientific process in formulating management advice within an International Commission and the second paper describes the procedures followed by a regional organization in implementing these scientific recommendations. The remaining pa pers describe fisheries management practices in individual countries, listed alphabetically, followed by management experiences for shrimp, snapper, lobster, herring, groundfish, anchovy, surf clams, halibut and sardine fisheries. -
No Thumbnail AvailableBook (series)Expert consultation on the regulation of fishing effort (Fishing mortality) / Consultation technique sur la régulation de l'effort de peche (Mortalité par peche) / CONSULTA DE EXPERTOS SOBRE LA REGULACION DEL ESFUERZO DE PESCA(MORTALIDAD ICTICA) 1984
Also available in:
No results found.The purpose of the Consultation is reviewed, noting the needs for controlling the amount of fishing, and the fact that many of the controls actually implemented have not succeeded in improving the performance. The improved opportunities for effective management provided by the new Law of the Sea are also noted. All management schemes must be based on a clear understanding of the objectives to be pursued and of the priorities between these objectives when, as will often be the case, there are s everal objectives that cannot be achieved simultaneously. There may, however, since national policies and objectives can change, be advantages in having this understanding implicit, rather than spelt out in a permanent form. Objectives against which the performance of a management scheme can be judged include maintaining the biological production of the stock - though not necessarily taking exactly the maximum sustainable yield (MSY), improving the efficiency and economic performance of the fi shery, achieving equity and a socially desirable distribution of benefits between the different groups concerned, and keeping down the costs of research, administration, etc. directly involved in the management process. The impact on these different objectives on one or other approach to the control of the amount of fishing is discussed.
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