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Transforming rural Africa

Trends and experiences in rural communication services

FAO. 2024. Transforming rural Africa – Trends and experiences in rural communication services. Rome. 

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    Rural communication services for family farming
    Results of a global forum
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    The Global Action Plan of the United Nations Decade of Family Farming 2019–2028 (UNDFF) recognizes the need to promote rural communication services (RCS) to advance sustainable food systems. RCS comprise demand-led communication processes, media applications and institutional arrangements to respond to the needs of family farmers and rural populations in a sustained and inclusive manner.This report presents a comprehensive summary of the virtual UNDFF Forum on Inclusive Rural Communication Services for Family Farming, which took place on 11 July 2022. Organized by FAO’s Communication for Development (ComDev) team, in collaboration with specialized communication entities, the forum marked the global culmination of an extensive consultative process. The report captures the key outcomes, insights, and strategic recommendations from these global and regional processes, offering guidance for promoting and advancing RCS for family farmers.
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    A changing world: FAO’s efforts in communication for rural development 2019
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    The chapter describes relevant approaches, trends, and challenges of applying Communication for Development to agricultural and to rural development in a changing world. It focuses on the experience generated by the United Nations (UN) Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), starting with the first years when FAO was considered a leading agency in the discipline, followed by an analysis of the present situation, the perspectives, and the challenges for the future. The authors argue that there are new and favorable conditions for Communication for Development in the context of the changing social and political scene and that new economic and environmental challenges affecting rural areas demand new communication approaches and practice to be blended with the principles and participatory methods that have inspired the discipline. Today more than ever, there is a need for mainstreaming Communication for Development to contribute managing the structural transformation affecting rural areas and to bridge the divide of opportunities ensuring equal rights to communication through demand-led communication services dedicated to rural dwellers. This changing landscape also requires new policy and financial commitments on the part of development institutions and governments, as well as policy dialogue with interested parties, including producer and indigenous peoples’ organizations, representatives of women and youth, as well as the private sector. By facilitating the dialogue, the definition of priorities, and options for inclusive rural communication services, Communication for Development will contribute significantly to meeting the challenges of our changing world.
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    Rural communication services
    Trends and experiences in Asia and the Pacific
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    The United Nations Decade of Family Farming (2019–2028) acknowledges the importance of inclusive rural communication services (RCS) to advance the economic, environmental and social dimensions of family farming. This study examines RCS’s role in family farming and rural transformation in Asia and the Pacific, integrating case studies with media and information technology trends to emphasize the need for participatory, farmer-centred communication aligned with local realities.The study concludes with recommendations for embedding RCS into national policies, fostering development opportunities for family farmers and rural communities in the region.

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