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Book (stand-alone)Report of the workshop on development of aquaculture insurance system for small-scale farmers, Bangkok, Thailand, 20-21 September 2016 2017
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No results found.The regional workshop “Development of Aquaculture Insurance System for Small-scale Farmers” 20–21 September 2016, Bangkok, was joined by participants from China, Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam. It contains two parts. The first aimed at answering the question, “What would make insurance available for and accessible to small-scale farmers?” The second was focused on exploring potential shrimp insurance schemes. The Workshop achieved the following outcomes: (1) made farmers, farmer advisers, re searchers and academics more familiar with the business and technical requirements of insurers, (2) made insurers become more familiar with the circumstances and needs of farmers, (3) confirmed that insurers continue to view aquaculture as a high-risk industry, (4) highlighted the need to incorporate risk assessment and management in the development of better farm management practices in line with the requirements of insurance, and (5) confirmed the usefulness of bundling financial products in t he development of institutional services for farmers. -
Book (stand-alone)Fisheries and aquaculture insurance in China 2017
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No results found.This paper reviews the history, organization and implementation mechanisms, policy development and innovations in fisheries and aquaculture insurance in China. With 25 years of practice, fisheries insurance in China has contributed significantly to risk management. It provides compensation for economic loss, life loss and medical expenses of injury, particularly heavy economic loss caused by disasters. The cases studies are of those of capture fishery mutual and finfish, crab, shrimp and seaweed farming. The development status, insurance scheme and performance evaluation are documented. The pilot programmes received technical support from professional associations and cooperatives, as well as professional service from commercial insurance companies. Aquaculture insurance will take some time to satisfy the increasing demand of marine and freshwater aquaculture farmers. Suggestions on legal, organization, mechanism in catastrophe relief, and mutual insurance operation were provided. -
BookletInsurance for small-scale fisheries 2024
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No results found.The FAO Innovation for Blue Transformation series introduces relevant policy initiatives, mechanisms, and tools available to promote innovation and technical solutions that can accelerate aquatic food system transformation. The series shares brief and practical knowledge needed for sustainable and resilient aquatic food systems that can nourish the world’s growing population, providing solutions to the challenges preventing aquatic food systems from delivering their full potential.This document describes why insurance is important for small-scale fisheries. It discusses the benefits, challenges and options for widening access and insurance provision to small-scale fishers. Traditional and alternative models for small-scale fisheries insurance are presented and the guide gives ideas for creating an enabling environment for insuring small-scale fishers. Information on recent FAO publications that support fisheries insurance is also included.
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