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Special Report Zimbabwe- 5 June 2007

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    Special Report Zimbabwe- 18 June 2008 2008
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    • For a second consecutive year the combined impact of adverse weather, lack of timely availability of inputs and severe economic constraints in Zimbabwe have induced hardship and food insecurity among both rural and urban populations. National production of main season maize in 2008 is estimated at 575 000 tonnes, some 28 percent lower than the production in 2007 (using the CFSAM estimate of 800 000 tonnes) which in itself was some 44 percent below 2006 government estimate. The Mission estima tes the total domestic cereal availability for 2008/09 marketing year at 848 000 tonnes, about 40 percent below last year’s domestic supply. This includes a forecast production of winter wheat and additional production of maize from winter/early, peri-urban/urban and seed crops...
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    Between November 2006 and March 2007 all departments in the country were affected by a series of adverse climatic events, such as drought, frost, hail-storms and flooding, which damaged crops and reduced yields. Rice crop suffered the most serious losses, with a 35 percent fall in output if compared to the previous year, while soybean and potatoes output declined by around 12 percent over 2006. Total cereals and root crop production in 2007 has been estimated at 1.6 million and 985 000 ton nes, respectively, both of which were 13 percent below the previous average year.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Special Report -Lesotho, 12 June 2007 2007
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    • The 2006/07 cropping season was characterized by one of the most severe droughts of the last 30 years. The amount of rainfall in the critical months of January-March was well below normal, and temperatures were higher than the long term average. • Average yields per hectare of maize and sorghum for the 2006/07 cropping season are estimated to have decreased dramatically by 42 percent and 25 percent respectively, as compared to the previous year. Furthermore, the decrease in area planted to t hese cereals in 2006/07, as compared to the last cropping season, was 15 and 20 percent down, respectively, compared to the last 5-years average. • 2007 national cereal production is estimated at about 72 000 tonnes, which represents a drop of 42 percent from 2006, and 40 percent from the average of the previous 5-years. Maize production (50 825 tonnes) decreased by 51 percent, sorghum (11 182 tonnes) by 42 percent, and summer wheat (5 411 tonnes) by 4 percent compared to last year. A provisio nal forecast amount of 5 000 tonnes of winter wheat is also included.

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