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Report of the Thirteenth Session of the Scientific Advisory Committee, Marseille, France, 7–11 February 2011/ Rapport de la treizième session du Comité Scientifique Consultatif, Marseille, France, 7-11 février 2011

FAO General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean/Commission générale des pêches pour la Méditerranée. Report of the Thirteenth Session of the Scientific Advisory Committee. Marseille, France, 7–11 February 2011/Rapport de la treizième session du Comité Scientifique Consultatif. Marseille, France, 7-11 février 2011. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Report/FAO Rapport sur les pêches et l’aquaculture. No. 974. Rome, FAO. 2011. p.254.

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    Report of the twelfth session of the Scientific Advisory Committee. Budva, Montenegro, 25–29 January 2010 / Rapport de la douzième session du Comité scientifique consultatif. Budva, Monténégro, 25-29 janvier 2010. 2010
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    The Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) held its twelfth session in Budva, Montenegro, from 25 to 29 January 2010. The Session was attended by delegates from nineteen Members of the Commission. The Committee reviewed the activities and results obtained by its subsidiary bodies along with the proposals of the Coordinating Meeting of the Sub-Committees (CMSC), as well as the achievements by the FAO regional projects in suppor t to the GFCM activities. It reflected on the management advice drawn up by the Sub-Committee on Stock Assessment on the basis of thirty-one stock assessments and agreed that the existing scientific evidence sufficed to support that the Commission takes relevant management measures notably to establish a regional logbook and to monitor the fishing capacity in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. The SAC suggested that, in future, management advice on small pelagic fisheries should bene fit more from the development of biological Reference Points for Biomass. It further discussed several important topics including recreational fisheries, improvement of gear selectivity and reduction of bycatch, the impact of climate change, the impact of alien species on fisheries and other issues such as the exploitation of red corals, the status of elasmobranch species and the follow-up on fisheries-restricted areas. The Committee appraised the data exchange protocols and related el ectronic tools developed by the Secretariat for the submission of Task 1 data. It also proposed that the criteria to identify sensitive habitats should be revisited and amended. Furthermore, the Committee acknowledged the proposal on the new functioning of the SCSA working groups on stock assessments, on the progress made on the updating of the SAC glossary and on updating of the reference frame of SAC and the establishment of a future strategic workplan. Finally, the SAC agreed upon i ts workplan for 2010 and renewed the mandate of the bureau for another two-year term and nominated a new coordinator for each of its four Sub-Committees.
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    Report of the eleventh session of the Scientific Advisory Committee, Marrakech, Morocco, 1-5 December 2008 /Rapport de la onzième session du Comité Scientifique Consultatif Marrakech, Maroc, 1-5 décembre 2008 2009
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    The Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) held its eleventh session in Marrakech, Morocco, from 1 to 5 December 2008. The session was attended by delegates from 18 Members of the Commission. The session appraised the achievements by its subsidiary bodies, the activities of the regional projects to support GFCM as well as the outcome of the Coordinating Meeting of the Sub-Committees (CMSC). It acknowledged the progress to impr ove the stock assessment process notably through undertaking joint stock assessment of hake (Merluccius merluccius) and small pelagic species and harmonizing protocols to undertake surveys at sea. The Committee took note of progress achieved in the framework of data collection and processing through Task 1 and STATLANT 37A form. It also noted the progress made on issues such as GFCM logbook and promoting activities and knowledge on the ecosystem approach to fisheries, recreational fish eries, gear selectivity and bycatch. SAC further reviewed fishery management proposals emanating from its Sub-Committees and formulated related advice with regard to: i) management of demersal and small pelagic fisheries; ii) implementation of the 40-mm square mesh; iii) establishment of a new fisheries restricted area in the Golf of Lions; iv) establishment of a Regional fleet register. It also suggested to amend some GFCM decisions, gave guidance regarding the activities of the Joint GFCM/ICCAT [International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas] Working Group on Large Pelagic Species and endorsed suggestions concerning the update of the SAC glossary and the priority species list, and identified actions to address the issue of monitoring the fishing capacity. The Committee agreed upon its workplan for 2009.
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    Book (series)
    GFCM - Report of the thirty-fifth session. FAO Headquarters, Rome, 9-14 May 2011 2012
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    The thirty-fifth session of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM), including the second session of the Committee on Administration and Finance (CAF) and the fifth session of the Compliance Committee (CoC), was attended by representatives from 22 Contracting Parties, two non-GFCM Member Countries and seven Observers. The Commission reviewed the intersessional activities of the Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) and the Committee on Aquaculture (CAQ) and, on the basis of the results obtained, adopted binding Recommendations on the exploitation of red coral, on reducing incidental bycatch of seabirds, on the bycatch of sea turtles and on the conservation of the Mediterranean monk seal, as well as Resolutions on data confidentiality policy and procedures and rules related to the submission of new proposals to the annual sessions of the Commission. It also endorsed five new Recommendations of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) of relevance to the Mediterranean and amended Recommendations on the GFCM logbook and on reporting of aquaculture data and information. The Commission addressed issues arising from the results of the GFCM performance review and decided to establish a task force to review the recommendations made by the expert panel and to propose options to improve the functioning of the Commission. Furthermore, the Commission elected a new GFCM Executive Secretary, renewed it s bureau and endorsed the nominations of the new bureaus of the CAF, CoC and CAQ. It agreed to strengthen the Secretariat with new posts whilst freezing the post of Deputy Executive Secretary for 2012. The progress made with regards to the new headquarters of the Commission and the imminent move of the Secretariat to these premises was welcomed by all delegations. The Commission adopted its 2011 autonomous budget at a value of US $ 1 708 239 along with its programme of work for 2011, i ncluding the convening of 25 technical meetings, and agreed to establish an ad hoc Working Group on the Black Sea issues.

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