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Sand and dust storms

A guide to mitigation, adaptation, policy and risk management measures in agriculture

FAO. 2023. Sand and dust storms - A guide to mitigation, adaptation, policy and risk management measures in agriculture. Rome.

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    Preparing for sand and dust storm contingency planning with herding communities
    A case study on Mongolia
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    This report outlines the conceptual framework for sand and dust storms (SDS) hazard risk and vulnerability assessment and mapping in agriculture and provides the elements as part of SDS contingency planning process in agriculture in Mongolia. Its main purpose is to provide an applicable procedure to reduce SDS risk and impacts on agriculture. This is the first attempt to develop a contingency plan for SDS risk reduction in agriculture. It includes a set of agriculture-specific indicators proposed to assess SDS risk and discusses the required steps for developing indicators and procedures. Furthermore, a methodology for SDS contingency planning in agriculture is described, including the legal and institutional frameworks in Mongolia relevant to SDS intervention as well as the organizational responsibilities for implementing the contingency plan. It reviews the main action areas and challenges to be addressed in SDS contingency planning in agriculture for two rural districts or soums (Saintsagaan soum of Dundgobi province and Zamyn-Uud soum of Dornogobi province). It provides an action framework for the identification and fine-tuning of SDS priority actions to be addressed and integrated into existing national and local SDS disaster risk reduction/management plans and/or sectoral development plans in Mongolia. Mongolia is highly impacted by sand and dust storms (SDS), particularly livestock herding. Reducing risks and mitigating the adverse effects of SDS on agriculture remains very important as the country is highly dependent on the sector. With climate change, it is expected that droughts and land use changes will increase the frequency and severity of SDS risks. Hence, urgent action is needed, whereby short-term responses are required to be linked to long-term development actions for building resilience against SDS.
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    Guideline on the Integration of Sand and Dust Storm Management into Key Policy Areas 2024
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    The Guideline aims to raise awareness on development challenges related to sand and dust storm (SDS) risk, vulnerability, and exposure that are often not fully appreciated or considered by policy makers. In addition to greater political attention, it underscrores the need for assessments and actionable data to address SDS hazards more effectively. The guideline is informed by scientific, technical, and evidence-based knowledge resources that have been produced by the UNCCD, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), and members of the United Nations Coalition on Combatting Sand and Dust Storms as well as other partners and experts from around the world. The Guideline is voluntary and can be used by regonal, national, and sub-national authorities and actors responsible for designing and implementing SDS-related initiatives in key policy areas (e.g., agriculture, human health, infrastructure). It builds upon the UNCCD Policy Advocacy Framework for Sand and Dust storms which outlines the principles and enabling environment to prevent and reduce SDS sources and their socioeconomic impacts while improving productivity and resilience.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Contingency planning process for catalysing investments and actions to enhance resilience against sand and dust storms in agriculture in the Islamic Republic of Iran 2023
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    This report outlines the conceptual framework for sand and dust storms (SDS) hazard risk and vulnerability assessment and mapping in agriculture and provides the elements as part of SDS contingency planning process in agriculture in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Its main purpose is to provide an applicable procedure for using web-based data to reduce SDS risk and impacts on agriculture. This is a first attempt to develop a contingency plan for SDS risk reduction in agriculture using freely available remote sensing imagery and geographic information system (GIS) modeling. It includes a set of agriculture-specific indicators proposed to assess SDS risk and discusses the required steps for developing indicators and procedures. Furthermore, a methodology for SDS contingency planning in agriculture is described, including the legal and institutional frameworks in the Islamic Republic of Iran relevant for SDS intervention as well as the organizational responsibilities for implementing the contingency plan. It reviews the main action areas and challenges to be addressed in SDS contingency planning in agriculture for Ahvaz County. It provides an action framework for the identification and fine-tuning of SDS priority actions to be addressed and integrated into existing national and local SDS disaster risk reduction/management plans and/or sectoral development plans in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Due to the central position of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the global dust belt, it is highly impacted by sand and dust storms (SDS). Mitigating the adverse effects of SDS on agriculture remains very important as the country is highly dependent on the sector and the sector is both an anthropogenic driver of SDS as well as the yields and productivity of crops, trees and pastures are negatively impacted by SDS. With climate change it is expected that droughts and land use changes will increase the frequency and severity of SDS risks. Hence, urgent action is needed, whereby short-term responses require to be linked to long-term development actions for building resilience against SDS.

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