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Book (series)Report of the CECAF-FIRMS Workshop on resources and fisheries inventories, Accra, Ghana, 7–9 December 2009 / L’Atelier copace-firms sur l’inventaire des ressources et des pêcheries. Accra, Ghana, 7-9 décembre 2009 2015
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No results found.The CECAF–FIRMS workshop on resources and fisheries inventories was held in Accra, Ghana, from 7 to 9 December 2009. Its goals were to validate the inventory of fisheries and marine resources (requested from participants before the meeting) and to deliver training and start a capacity-building process on the FIRMS workflow. Approaching the CECAF member countries directly implied the need to establish a protocol for disseminating national information through the FIRMS partnership. Representatives from 15 member countries (Angola, Benin, Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Gabon, the Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Liberia, Mauritania, Morocco, Nigeria, Senegal, Spain and Togo) and the Fishery Officer from the Regional Office for Africa participated in the workshop. The workshop was successful in advancing the validation of the work done for some of the countries, training some representatives for future delivery of the work, and establishing a network for future collaboration for the re maining ones. A protocol was drafted for the delivery of national information on fisheries through the FIRMS partnership and under the CECAF umbrella. The workshop recommended that the reporting on the state of marine resources at the regional level be maintained under full CECAF ownership. The possibility of national contributions on marine resources is a process that should take place under the aegis of the Scientific Sub-Committee.
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