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Towards a new generation of policies and investments in agricultural water in the Arab region

Fertile ground for innovation

​Borgomeo, E.; Santos, N. 2019. Towards a new generation of policies and investments in agricultural water in the Arab region: fertile ground for innovation. Rome, Italy:FAO; Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). 124p.

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    A report of the proceedings of the October 2001 regional consultation on the above theme, the document explains the urgent need for arresting and reversing the decline in investment in land and water development in Asia-Pacific countries. Land and water investment priorities include coping with worsening land degradation, increasing productivity of the region’s large rainfed areas and modernising wasteful water delivery and irrigation systems. A Bangkok Declaration issued by the consultation exp ressed concern over the declining quality and availability of land and water in the region which, together with the “serious decline” in national and donor support, is a major obstacle to reducing hunger and poverty in Asia and the Pacific. Appealing to national government leaders to show the political will and investment commitment, the declaration urges Asia-Pacific governments to involve both the public and private sector, and people’s participation in the sustainable development and use of l and and water resources to bring about an “ever-green revolution”.

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