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Principles and guidelines for incorporating microbiological risk assessment in the development of food safety standards, guidelines and related texts

Report of a FAO/WHO Consultation. Kiel, Germany, 18-22 March 2002

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    Book (stand-alone)
    Principes et lignes directrices en vue de l'incorporation de l'évaluation du risque microbiologique dans l'élaboration de normes, de lignes directrices et de textes connexes en matière de sécurité sanitaire des aliments
    Rapport d'une Consultation conjointe, FAO/OMS, Kiel, Allemagne, 18 - 22 mars 2002
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    La FAO et l'OMS ont tenu conjointement du 18 au 22 mars 2002 Kiel, en Allemagne, une consultation d'experts sur les principes et lignes directrices régissant l'incorporation de l'évaluation du risque microbiologique dans l'élaboration de normes, lignes directrices et textes connexes en matière de sécurité sanitaire des aliments. La consultation s'est tenue à l'Institut d'hygiène et de sécurité sanitaire des aliments du Centre fédéral allemand de recherche sur les produits laitiers, en collaboration avec le Ministre fédéral allemand pour la protection des consommateurs, l'alimentation et l'agriculture, et l'Institut fédéral de protection de la santé des consommateurs et de médecine vétérinaire.
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    Book (series)
    Prevention and control of microbiological hazards in fresh fruits and vegetables – Parts 1 & 2: General principles
    Meeting report
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    Fruits and vegetables are an important part of a healthy diet and are protective against many chronic health conditions. Yet, fresh fruits and vegetables have been consistently implicated in food safety incidents involving microbiological hazards around the globe for decades. In response to requests of the Codex Committee on Food Hygiene concerning microbiological hazards in fresh fruits and vegetables and to update and expand the information available in Microbiological hazards in fresh leafy vegetables and herbs (MRA14), which was published in 2008, FAO and WHO convened a series of expert meetings in 2021 to 2022. The purpose of the meetings was to collect, review and discuss relevant measures to control microbiological hazards from primary production to point of sale in fresh, ready-to-eat (RTE) and minimally processed fruits and vegetables, including leafy vegetables. The experts made an effort to update and include any recent trends in commodity and pathogen pairing or pathogen occurrence and presence with a focus on emerging and neglected pathogens. The primary production in open fields was investigated by considering the location, adjacent land use, topography, and climate; prior land use; water; wildlife, animal and human intrusion; soil amendments; and harvest and packing. The experts also worked on: primary production in protected facilities; minimal processing; transport, distribution, and point of sale; and also the gaps in mitigation and interventions measures. The advice herein is useful for both risk assessors and risk managers, at national and international levels and those in the food industry working to control the relevant hazards in the fresh fruits and vegetables. the development of improved mitigation and intervention measures.
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    Book (series)
    Exposure Assessment of Microbiological Hazards in Food. Guidelines. Microbiological Risk Assessment Series (MRA) 7 2008
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    The process of developing exposure assessment guidelines was initiated at a workshop held in Seattle, Washington, United States of America, from 5 to 9 December 2001. The workshop participants were scientists currently involved in exposure assessment of foodborne microbiological hazard in humans or animals. The document drafted during this workshop was subsequently reviewed by the workshop participants, and a revised draft prepared. This was then reviewed by another group of external peer review ers. The guidelines were finalized taking into account all comments received. These guidelines are part of a series of guidelines on microbiological risk assessment being prepared by FAO and WHO. Guidelines on Hazard Characterization for Pathogens in Food and Water have already been published as number 3 of this FAO/WHO Microbiological Risk Assessment Series. Guidelines on risk characterization are in preparation and will be published as number 13 in the FAO/WHO Microbiological Ri sk Assessment Series.

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