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Meat Market Review - Overview of global meat market developments in 2018


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    The FAO Meat Price Index averaged 110.3 points in July, up marginally from June, putting the index 19.6 percent above the corresponding month last year. In July, quotations for poultry meat rose the most, underpinned by increased imports by East Asia amidst limited production expansions in some producer regions, while those of ovine meat increased on high import purchases and seasonally declining supplies from Oceania. Bovine meat prices also strengthened, reflecting the tightening of global markets due to lower supplies from major producing regions and continued high imports, especially by China. Conversely, pig meat prices fell, following a decline in imports by China, notwithstanding limited supplies from Germany due to the spread of African swine fever in some pig farms.
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    Journal, magazine, bulletin
    Meat Market Review - Overview of global meat market developments in 2019 2020
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    This publication provides an update on production, trade and price movements of meat products (bovine, ovine, pig and poultry meat). It aims to provide a clear snapshot view of key changes and underlying determinants of world dairy markets. It is the only publication that covers meat market developments in the entire world that is also updated regularly; it supports the division’s objective in providing market information relevant for policy makers, helping them in the process to take data-based policy decisions. • Average meat prices rebounded in 2019 following a fall in 2018. • Prices for pig meat rose the most in 2019, followed by bovine and poultry meat, but ovine meat eased from their highs. • Global meat production fell by 1.0 percent after two decades of steady growth in 2019, as pig meat production plummeted, only partially compensated by increases across all other meat complexes, especially poultry. • Global meat exports rose by 6.8 percent – the highest rate to record since 2012.
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    Journal, magazine, bulletin
    Meat Market Review - Overview of global meat market developments in 2020, March 2021 2021
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    The Meat Market Review, March 2021 issue presents an overview of global meat market developments in 2020, including trends in international meat prices, global meat production and trade in meat and meat products. International meat prices fell in 2020, reflecting price declines across all meat types, underpinned by widespread import curtailments by many meat importing countries due to pandemic-related economic downturns, transport bottlenecks and foreign reserve limitations. Increased export availabilities in exporting countries owing to reduced food services sales and lower internal demand also depressed international meat prices. Regarding meat production, world meat output remained stable, despite pandemic related issues and impacts of African swine fever. The total world meat trade increased, albeit slowly. Fuelled by strong demand from East Asia, world trade in pig meat rose, but weak demand and limited supplies resulted in lower bovine and ovine meat trade. Despite market disruptions, world trade in poultry meat remained stable.

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