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    Round Table on Eco-labelling and Certification in the Fisheries Sector, The Hague, The Netherlands, 22-23 April 2009 2009
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    Over the past decade eco-labels and related certification have become a feature of international trade and marketing of fish and fish products. Eco-labels are a market-based mechanism designed to provide incentives for more sustainable fisheries management by encouraging buyers, from large scale retailers to individual consumers, to only purchase fish and seafood certified as having come from a sustainable fishery. Commitments to sustainable fish sourcing have become increasingly common in the p rocurement strategies and corporate social responsibility strategies of large-scale retailers and commercial brand owners. The Round Table forms part of the programme of work of the OECD Committee for Fisheries, specifically contributing to its project on Fisheries and Aquaculture Certification. Eco-labels have been on the agenda of the FAO Committee for Fisheries for over a decade. The Round Table will inform ongoing work at the FAO on responsible fisheries and on private standards in capture f isheries and aquaculture.
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    Book (series)
    Product Certification and Ecolabelling for Fisheries Sustainability 2001
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    Product certification and ecolabelling are tools that can be used to support fisheries management. These tools, while inter-related and serving the same goal, have important differences as currently applied in fisheries. Product certification is commonly a measure mandated by governments, often mutually agreed upon by regional fisheries management organizations, in order to ensure that only legally harvested and reported fish landings can be traded and sold in the domestic or international marke ts. The principal objective of product certification (and catch documentation) is to prevent, deter and eliminate illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing in accordance with the 2001 FAO International Plan of Action. Product certification does not necessarily involve a product label at the retail level. Where product certification comes with a label to inform consumers, however, it can influence consumers’ choices. This technical paper provides information on important institutional features and characteristics of product certification schemes including: the linkage with management objectives; the level of government involvement; their validation procedures; and, in the international context, how they deal with non-participants of regional fisheries management organizations and arrangements. Product labels can be mandatory or voluntary and may refer to different kinds of product characteristics or attributes including the product’s composition or contents, product quality or form, as well as environmental or social aspects of the product’s production process or method. The focus in this publication is on voluntary product labelling that conveys environmental information to consumers. The principal objective of an ecolabelling scheme is to create a market-based incentive for better management of fisheries by creating consumer demand for seafood products from well-managed stocks. This technical paper provides information on the theoretical foundation, institutional arrange ments and relationship with international trade law of ecolabelling programmes for fish and fishery products. It also discusses trade access concerns with ecolabelling programmes and examines their operational features including certification criteria, certification costs and chain of custody. The document includes a list of related sites on the Internet.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Guidelines for the Ecolabelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries. Revision 1. / Directives pour l'étiquetage écologique du poisson et des produits des pêches de capture marines. Révision 1. / Directrices para el ecoetiquetado de pescado y productos pesqueros de la pesca de captura marina. Revisión 1. 2009
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    The Guidelines for the Ecolabelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries are of a voluntary nature. They are applicable to ecolabelling schemes that are designed to certify and promote labels for products from well-managed marine capture fisheries and focus on issues related to the sustainable use of fisheries resources. The guidelines refer to principles, general considerations, terms and definitions, minimum substantive requirements and criteria, and procedural and institutional aspects of ecolabelling of fish and fishery products from marine capture fisheries.

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