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Guideline to promote integrated pest management through Farmer Field Schools in smallholder agriculture in Ethiopia

Mulatu, B. 2024. Guideline to promote Integrated Pest Management through Farmer Field Schools in smallholder agriculture in Ethiopia. Addis Ababa.

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    Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Farmer Field School (FFS)
    A guide for facilitators of FFS on maize with special emphasis on fall armyworm
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    Maize is most important food crop after rice and wheat contributing towards national food security with an annual production of 28.7 million metric tonnes. The major maize producing states are Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh. Maize is a relatively less water demanding crop and gives higher yield /hectare as compared to other cereals. Due to development of newer varieties which are tolerant to extreme temperatures, the area under maize cultivation is increasing in northern parts of India. In India about 15 million farmers are engaged in farming and processing of maize. The recent invasion of Fall Armyworm (FAW) is causing wide economic damage to maize farmers. The pest is new to India. Hence, it is important to understand its behaviour in the agro ecosystem and its interactions with predators, parasitiods and entomo-pathogens in diverse agro ecosystem. Thus, this illustrative guide on IPM-FFS has been developed by FAO and Directorate of Plant protection Quarantine & Storage (DPPQS), MoAFW for promoting IPM in maize cultivation with special emphasis on FAW management. This is an output of FAO's project titled, “Time critical measures to support early warning and monitoring for sustainable management of Fall Armyworm in India”.
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    Handbook on the integrated crop management of groundnut and sesame for farmer field schools in central dry zone of Myanmar 2022
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    This curriculum briefly outlines Integrated pest management (IPM) for these selected crops, paddy, groundnut, sesame, green gram, and chickpea. The general concept of IPM is the same for these crops, although the insect pests, diseases and weeds differ from one crop to another. The name of pests are listed for information, and important messages that are unique to Myanmar's situation is briefed if necessary, rather than giving a detailed account of morphology, biology, ecology and management, which can be readily available in published literature. It aims to improve farmers' knowledge of the pests, including insects, plant diseases, weeds and rodents causing the reduction in the yield of field crops and how to manage the crops to boost crop production without deteriorating environmental resources for sustainable agriculture.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Handbook on the integrated crop management of green gram and chickpea for farmer field schools in central dry zone of Myanmar 2022
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    This curriculum briefly outlines Integrated pest management (IPM) for these selected crops, green gram, and chickpea. The general concept of IPM is the same for these crops, although the insect pests, diseases and weeds differ from one crop to another. The name of pests are listed for information, and important messages that are unique to Myanmar's situation is briefed if necessary, rather than giving a detailed account of morphology, biology, ecology and management, which can be readily available in published literature. It aims to improve farmers' knowledge of the pests, including insects, plant diseases, weeds and rodents causing the reduction in the yield of field crops and how to manage the crops to boost crop production without deteriorating environmental resources for sustainable agriculture.

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