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Strengthening coherence between forestry and social protection for sustainable agrifood systems transformation

Framework for analysis and action

FAO. 2023. Strengthening coherence between forestry and social protection for sustainable agrifood systems transformation Framework for analysis and action. Rome.  

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    Social Protection for Building the Resilience of Forest-Dependent People: Evidence, Linkages, Practices and Potential Applications 2017
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    This study provides a rationale for building linkages between social protection and sustainable forestry in developing countries through: the development of a conceptual framework for understanding the two-way relationship between social protection instruments and forestry policies; a review of evidence of the role of forestry policies in reducing vulnerabilities and fostering livelihoods among forest-dependent people; a review of the evidence of the impact of social protection instruments on th e resilience of forest-dependent people and on the promotion of sustainable forest management; and a discussion of ways of developing linkages between social protection and forestry policies.
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    International Conference on Forest Education: Breakout Group 2.4 2021
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    Community groups, producer organizations and CSOs are important players in the forestry sector. These groups, either formal or informally organized, constitute efficient channels to exchange experiences and knowledge among farmers, producers and forest dwellers. They also are well-positioned for delivering capacity-building, education and extension services to their members as they are rooted on the ground, know the needs of their constituencies and have the local and traditional knowledge for the sustainable management of forests. This BOG will present the experiences of the Forest and Farm Facility and its partners working on strengthening the capacities and knowledge of communities, producer organizations and forest-dependent peoples on natural resources management. The presentations will promote discussions towards the needs and challenges of local communities and farmers experience regarding forest education and extension services; and the role of civil society organizations and community groups in the provision of education and extension services, and the importance of including traditional and local needs in the designing and delivering forest education and extension programs.
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    A diagnostic on social protection needs and opportunities for forest-dependent communities in the United Republic of Tanzania 2018
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    This study is aimed at gaining an understanding of the poverty and vulnerability situation of forest-dependent communities in the United Republic of Tanzania and generating information on the availability of social protection interventions, with a view to identifying pathways for establishing sustainable social protection for these communities. Social protection is taken to include “all initiatives, both formal and informal, that provide social assistance to extremely poor individuals and households; social services to groups who need special care or would otherwise be denied access to basic services; social insurance to protect people against the risks and consequences of livelihood shocks; and social equity to protect people against social risks such as discrimination and abuse” (Devereux and Sabates-Wheeler, 2008).

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