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Digital FAO – The Year of Excellence

FAO. 2024. Digital FAO – The Year of Excellence. Rome.

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    Book (stand-alone)
    Digital excellence in agriculture in Europe and Central Asia
    Good practices in the field of digital agriculture - Stocktaking report
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    The present report is the outcome of the joint call on good practices on Digital Excellence in Agriculture, organized by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Office for Europe and Office for CIS and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations Office for Europe and Central Asia. The document presents a summary version of the 171 eligible submissions of good practices and innovative solutions advancing the digital transformation of agriculture in Europe and Central Asia. This call complements the joint FAO-ITU review on the Status of Digital Agriculture in 18 countries of Europe and Central Asia (ITU-FAO, 2020)1 and provides evidence on how Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) play an emerging role in the agriculture landscapes of the regions, acting as an engine for agricultural development. However, the adoption of digital technologies in agriculture differs from country to country, and from region to region. The review in the 18 countries highlighted that smallholder farmers have yet to experience the widespread benefits of this digital transformation, and they are lagging behind when it comes to the adoption of digital agriculture solutions and innovations due to lack of trust in the potential of ICTs, limited digital skills, connectivity issues and restricted availability of ICT-based solutions to utilize and scale up. Realizing the full potential of digital agriculture transformation requires identifying, sharing and implementing best practices and proven solutions across countries, involving all actors in participatory processes.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Digitalization of Agrifood Systems
    FAO Science and innovation Forum: Special event, 17-21 October 2022
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    Science, Technology and Innovation provide us with new solutions to the complex problems that we face today in our agrifood systems, with updated projections indicating that more than 670 million people will still be facing hunger in 2030. Intertwined with science and innovation, digital technologies, in particular, are having a profound impact on vulnerable populations and societies. New digital capabilities have transformational effect and enormous potential to positively effect agricultural and food markets through the world. The event that CSI organizes during the main sessions of the Science and Innovation Forum aims to bring forward discussions on key topics about Digitalization of Agrifood Systems, through concrete examples of FAO's Digital capabilities as accelerators to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals and FAO's Four Betters.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Participatory video in agrifood systems and digital environments
    A practitioner’s guide
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    Access to knowledge and information is essential to achieve sustainable agrifood systems, and such access has greatly advanced due to the widespread use of digital technologies.Nevertheless, digital exclusion and the lack of appropriate content are limiting factors, especially in rural areas, depriving smallholders of access to services and hampering theirdevelopment opportunities. To mitigate this divide, farmer’s organizations and rural institutions are increasingly utilizing low-cost digital media to ensure equal access to knowledge and information. This implies not only improving connectivity but also promoting digital literacy, developing farmer-centred rural communication services and ensuring that adequate content is available to rural people at the right time in the appropriate formats and languages.Participatory video can be used as an interactive tool to promote more inclusive and sustainable forms of development, mirroring local realities and sharing people’s values,cultures and perceptions. By adopting a Communication for Development (ComDev) approach, farmers’ organizations, rural institutions and practitioners can use participatory video to drive development. Thanks to digital tools, participatory video can be applied extensively to domains as diverse as innovation systems, digital marketing, policy dialogue, accountability and informed consent, among many others.

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