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Iraq: Humanitarian Response Plan 2022

FAO. 2022. Iraq: Humanitarian Response Plan 2022. Rome. 

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    More than half of Burkina Faso is experiencing conflict and insecurity, forcing thousands from their homes, disrupting livelihoods and further aggravating the food security situation. With 75 percent of people living in rural areas, restoring livelihoods is fundamental to the humanitarian response. Every USD 1 spent on supporting farmers with a cereal production package yields four-times its value in crops.
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    Myanmar: Humanitarian Response Plan 2022 2022
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    In 2021, escalating civil unrest further displaced thousands of people in Myanmar, while a third wave of COVID-19 devastated the country. Nearly one in four people are currently experiencing moderate or severe food insecurity. With about three-quarters of the population relying on agriculture for their livelihoods, supporting rural households to restore their production is essential to the humanitarian response. Every USD 1 invested in vegetable production yields more than three times its value in harvests.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Iraq | Revised humanitarian response (May–December 2020)
    Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
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    Iraq is vulnerable to the impact of COVID-19 due to pre-existing vulnerabilities, including poverty, dwindling natural resources and ongoing displacement due to past conflicts. In addition, the collapse of the global oil market in April has also had serious implications for Iraq’s capacity to import food. While the full impact of COVID-19 on food security is not yet known, the urgent and essential measures in place to control its spread have exacerbated the effects of the ongoing humanitarian situation. From the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Government of Iraq has exempted agricultural stakeholders from movement restrictions, allowing them to continue production and transport of agricultural goods. However, challenges in the development of major value chains remain and unless the constraints facing agricultural supply chains are addressed, food security and job opportunities will be affected. In the framework of FAO’s Corporate COVID-19 Response and Recovery Programme and the United Nations Global Humanitarian Response Plan for COVID-19, FAO has revised its humanitarian response for 2020 to mitigate the effects of the pandemic and address the needs of the most vulnerable households.

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