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Global hunger declining, but still unacceptably high

International hunger targets difficult to reach

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    Hunger in the Face of Crisis
    Global Economic Slowdown Underscores Urgency of Addressing Long-Term Challenges
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    More than one billion people are undernourished worldwide. FAO estimates show a significant deterioration of an already disappointing trend witnessed over the past ten years. The large increase in the number of undernourished people in 2009 underlies the urgency of tackling the root causes of hunger swiftly and effectively.
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    Recul de la faim dans le monde, qui reste néanmoins à des niveaux inadmissibles
    Les objectifs de lutte contre la faim difficiles à atteindre
    Proche du cap du milliard, le nombre de personnes sous-alimentées dans le monde demeure à un niveau inacceptable en 2010, malgré un recul escompté - le premier en 15 ans. Cette baisse s’expliquerait en grande partie par une conjoncture économique plus favorable en 2010 – en particulier dans les pays en développement – et par la baisse des prix alimentaires depuis 2008, aussi bien sur les marchés internationaux que nationaux. Si la récente augmentation des prix alimentaires persiste, elle créera des obstacles supplémentaires aux efforts de réduction de la faim.
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    Book (series)
    The State of Food Insecurity in the World 2010
    Addressing food insecurity in protracted crises
    Following more than a decade of seemingly inexorable increases in the number of undernourished people, estimates for 2010 presented in this edition of The State of Food Insecurity in the World show a slight glimmer of hope, with the first fall since 1995. But that still leaves nearly a billion people going hungry, and it is too early to know if this is the beginning of a downward trend or merely a momentary dip in the number of undernourished. This year, The State of Food Insecurity in the World focuses on a particular group of countries, countries in protracted crisis, where levels of undernourishment are estimated to be at almost 40 percent. It examines the difficulties faced in trying to turn around the situation in such countries, not least the difficulty of moving beyond the mindset of humanitarian intervention towards a broader-based development agenda.
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    Hunger in the Face of Crisis
    Global Economic Slowdown Underscores Urgency of Addressing Long-Term Challenges
    Also available in:

    More than one billion people are undernourished worldwide. FAO estimates show a significant deterioration of an already disappointing trend witnessed over the past ten years. The large increase in the number of undernourished people in 2009 underlies the urgency of tackling the root causes of hunger swiftly and effectively.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Recul de la faim dans le monde, qui reste néanmoins à des niveaux inadmissibles
    Les objectifs de lutte contre la faim difficiles à atteindre
    Proche du cap du milliard, le nombre de personnes sous-alimentées dans le monde demeure à un niveau inacceptable en 2010, malgré un recul escompté - le premier en 15 ans. Cette baisse s’expliquerait en grande partie par une conjoncture économique plus favorable en 2010 – en particulier dans les pays en développement – et par la baisse des prix alimentaires depuis 2008, aussi bien sur les marchés internationaux que nationaux. Si la récente augmentation des prix alimentaires persiste, elle créera des obstacles supplémentaires aux efforts de réduction de la faim.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Book (series)
    The State of Food Insecurity in the World 2010
    Addressing food insecurity in protracted crises
    Following more than a decade of seemingly inexorable increases in the number of undernourished people, estimates for 2010 presented in this edition of The State of Food Insecurity in the World show a slight glimmer of hope, with the first fall since 1995. But that still leaves nearly a billion people going hungry, and it is too early to know if this is the beginning of a downward trend or merely a momentary dip in the number of undernourished. This year, The State of Food Insecurity in the World focuses on a particular group of countries, countries in protracted crisis, where levels of undernourishment are estimated to be at almost 40 percent. It examines the difficulties faced in trying to turn around the situation in such countries, not least the difficulty of moving beyond the mindset of humanitarian intervention towards a broader-based development agenda.

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