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Biofuels and the sustainability challenge

A global assessment of sustainabilty issues, trends and policies for biofuels and related feedstocks

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    Book (stand-alone)
    Biofuel co-products as livestock feed - Opportunities and challenges 2012
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    Climate change and predicted shortages of fossil fuels present major challenges. Currently, biofuel production is from agricultural crops grown primarily on arable land. Conflict with the traditional use of arable land, itself a limited resource, to produce food and animal feed must be avoided and economic sustainability assured. At present cereals, especially maize and wheat, and sugar cane are used for ethanol production, with soybean, oil palm and rapeseed for biodiesel production. The expa nding transport industry requires increasing amounts of biofuels, and an increasing market for co-products has generated a need for new feedstocks. Cellulosic material, often available from sub-prime land with minimal inputs, and other non-conventional sources are being investigated. Before being used as feeds, some seeds and cakes will require detoxification. The contribution of micro-algae, production of which can be achieved in coastal waters, is likely to grow in importance. These developmen ts are mirrored the broadening of the animal species receiving the co-products, from ruminants, especially cattle, and pigs to poultry and fish (aquaculture). Further developments include enhancement of the use of existing co-products and the introduction of new ones. This publication collates, discusses and summarizes state-of-the-art knowledge on the use as livestock feed and future availability of co-products from the biofuel industry. The levels at which the co-products could be safely use d in livestock diets are also presented. Throughout the book, gaps in knowledge and research topics needed to address them have been identified. These include standardization of product quality to assist ration formulation; testing of new products; development of detoxification procedures; research on micro-algae; and life cycle analysis linked to traditional nutritional appraisal. This publication covers a wide array of co-products and is a timely contribution, as people's aspirations are ris ing, evident from the increasing demand for livestock products and an ever greater reliance on transport, coupled with the challenge of maintaining agricultural production when faced with global warming. We hope that the information here synthesized will be useful to policy-makers, researchers, the feed industry, science managers and NGOs, supporting them in making information- based decisions on issues such as food-feed-fuel competition. Hopefully it will help confront the emerging challenges o f global warming, in addition to making efficient use as livestock feed of a wide range of currently available and future co-products from the biofuel industry.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Algae-Based Biofuels
    A Review of Challenges and Opportunities for Developing Countries
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    Algae have recently received a lot of attention as a new biomass source for the production of renewable energy. Some of the main characteristics which distinguish algae from other biomass sources are: algae have a high biomass yield per unit of light and area; have a high oil or starch content; do not require agricultural land nor fresh water for growth; and wastewater and CO2 (by combustion gas) can be used as nutrients. The different technological components and the most common systems for culturing algae for energy purposes are discussed in this paper together with sustainability aspects. Several existing sets of sustainability criteria for biofuels are analysed for applicability, followed by an analysis of opportunities and risks of algae-based biofuel production. Furthermore, suitability and environmental, economic and social sustainability of this option for biofuel production is discussed in the context of potential and threats for dev eloping countries.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Gender and Equity Issues in Liquid Biofuels Production - Minimizing the Risks to Maximize the Opportunities 2008
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    The production of liquid biofuels is rapidly increasing in developing countries, due mainly to the establishment of large-scale biofuel feedstock plantations1. This results in potential socio-economic benefits2, particularly in terms of agricultural employment, as well as risks, which tend to be context-specific. This paper explores the potential gender-differentiated3 risks associated with the large-scale production of first-generation liquid biofuels (see box 1) in developing countries. The ob jective of this study is to engage in an in-depth discussion of some hypothetical risks and identify research and policy strategies to address them, in order to maximize the opportunities offered by biofuels production. A subsequent paper will explore the benefits of small-scale biofuels production for energy generation in rural areas. The potential environmental and socio-economic risks that may arise from the establishment and operation of large-scale plantations for the production of bi ofuels are considered. In addition, some potential risks for food security resulting from an increase in food prices due to the growing use of agricultural crops for biofuels production are discussed. This paper represents a first attempt to go beyond the traditional gender and biofuels debate, which has focused on the gender-differentiated health impacts of household use of solid biofuels. For a comprehensive evaluation of the potential effects of liquid biofuels production on people’s ec onomic and social well-being in developing countries, understanding the genderrelated implications of such production in these countries (particularly in specific socioeconomic and policy contexts) is essential.

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