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Syrian Arab Republic: Protecting wheat farmers by anticipating La Niña-induced drought in crisis-affected areas

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    Emergency Agricultural Assistance to Vulnerable Drought-Affected Smallholder Farmers in Aleppo Governorat - TCP/SYR/3701 2020
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    Already weakened by the current crisis, which is in its eighth year, the scale, severity and complexity of humanitarian and recovery needs in the Syrian Arab Republic remains exceedingly high, as a result of the combined impacts of crisis and the recent drought, which severely affected the agricultural sector. Indeed, wheat production in the 2017/2018 winter season, the only major crop growing season per year, was the lowest since 1989, and about 30 percent of the pre-crisis average of 4.1 million tonnes (2002-2011). Given the poor cereal harvest in 2017/2018, seed was very likely to be in extremely short supply for the coming season, starting in October 2018. The drought affected the main wheat production areas of Al-Hasakeh, Ar-Raqqa, Aleppo, Deir ez-Zor and Hama governorates, which account for about96 percent of the total nationalwheat production. Against this background, the project aimed to reduce the vulnerability of drought and crisis-affected households to food and nutrition insecurity, by providing support to life-saving quick-impact agricultural interventions. The project focused on Aleppo Governorate, which is one of the major wheat production areas in the country, and severely affected by the recent drought.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Syrian Arab Republic | Project update
    Building resilience of the crisis-affected vulnerable farmers and herders
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    The ongoing crisis in the Syrian Arab Republic has resulted in a continuing deterioration of the humanitarian situation. In response, with Kuwait's generous funding the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations implemented project OSRO/SYR/908/KUW, entitled "Building resilience of the crisis-affected vulnerable farmers and herders" The overall objective of the project is to strengthen the resilience of crisis-affected people and their communities, and improve their food security and nutrition.
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    Syrian Arab Republic: Precipitation analysis
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    This technical paper provides an analysis of the spatio-temporal trends of precipitation in the Syrian Arab Republic from 1980–2021, an analysis of precipitation during the 2020/21 agricultural season by governorate, and the implications for agricultural production. It also provides key recommendations to address the impact of erratic rainfall and water scarcity in order to make food production systems more productive and resilient to current and future climate-induced shocks. The recommendations also seek to prevent most crisis-affected farmers from sliding into food insecurity.

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