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Report of the twenty-first session of the Scientific Advisory Committee on Fisheries. Cairo, Egypt, 24–27 June 2019/Rapport de la vingt-et-unième session du Comité scientifique consultatif des pêches. Le Caire, Égypte, 24-27 juin 2019

​FAO. 2019. General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean. Report of the twenty-first session of the Scientific Advisory Committee on Fisheries, Cairo, Egypt, 24–27 June 2019 / Commission générale des pêches pour la Méditerranée. Rapport de la vingt-et-unième session du Comité scientifique consultative des pêches. Le Caire, Egypte, 24-27 juin 2019. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Report/FAO Rapport sur les pêches et l’aquaculture No. 1290. Rome, Italy/Italie.

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    Book (series)
    General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean. Report of the twentieth session of the Scientific Advisory Committee on Fisheries, Tangiers, Morocco, 26-29 June 2018/Rapport de la vingtième session du Comité scientifique consultatif des pêches,. Tanger, Maroc, 26-29 juin 2018 2018
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    The Scientific Advisory Committee on Fisheries (SAC) of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) held its twentieth session in Tangiers, Morocco, from 26 to 29 June 2018. The session was attended by delegates from 14 Mediterranean contracting parties, seven observers, representatives of the FAO regional projects, the GFCM Secretariat and invited experts. The Committee reviewed the work carried out during the 2017–2018 intersession, including within its four subregional subsidiary bodies (Subregional Committee for the Adriatic Sea, Subregional Committee for the Central Mediterranean, Subregional Committee for the Eastern Mediterranean and Subregional Committee for the Western Mediterranean) which all met during the intersession. In relation to the mid-term strategy (2017–2020) towards the sustainability of Mediterranean and Black Sea fisheries, the Committee welcomed the progress in multiple priority activities as well as cooperation with partners. Issues in relation to fishery data quality, data collection needs and methodologies, estimation and quantification of illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing and formulation of advice on the status of fisheries were discussed. Recalling the need to improve knowledge on small-scale fisheries in the the Mediterranean and the Black Sea, the work underway to test a characterization matrix as well as the forthcoming Regional Plan of Action for Small-Scale Fisheries in the Mediterranean and Black Sea were tackled. Furthermore, the Committee formulated advice on the following aspects: i) overall status of Mediterranean stocks; ii) management of European eel; iii) management of deep-sea fisheries and identification of VMEs and iv) roadmap towards a network of essential fish habitats. In line with the subregional approach and based on the conclusions of the four subregional committees, the SAC also provided specific advice for each subregion. In particular, attention was paid to: i) blackspot seabream in the western Mediterranean; ii) demersal fisheries in the Strait of Sicily; iii) small pelagic fisheries in the Adriatic Sea; iv) demersal fisheries in the Adriatic Sea, including the monitoring of the Jabuka/Pomo Pit fisheries restricted area; and v) deep-water red shrimps in the central and eastern Mediterranean. In addition, the Committee also endorsed un updated table of priority species by subregion. Finally, the Committee agreed upon its work plan for 2018–2020 and elected its new Bureau.
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    Book (series)
    Report of the twenty-first session of the Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic, Dakar, Senegal, 20–22 April 2016/Rapport de la vingt-et-unième session du Comité des pêches pour l’Atlantique Centre-Est, Dakar, Sénégal, 20–22 avril 2016. 2016
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    This document is the final report of the twenty-first session of the Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic (CECAF), which was held in Dakar, Senegal, from 20 to 22 April 2016. Major topics discussed were: (i) action on recommendations of the twentieth session; (ii) main outcomes of the seventh session of the Scientific Sub-Committee; (iii) fisheries management in the CECAF region: state of implementation of fisheries management plans and adoption of management recommendations; (iv) actions taken to combat IUU fishing; (v) closure of Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems in the CECAF region; (vi) functioning of CECAF: options for improvement and collaboration with other regional and sub-regional organizations; (vii) management framework for shared small pelagic fisheries management in Northwest Africa; (viii) the potential role of RFBs in the new EAF-Nansen programme: the case of CECAF; (ix) study on the evolution of small pelagic fisheries in West Africa and the possible impact on nutrition and food security in West Africa; (x) study on scientific advice provided with respect to surplus estimation for sustainable fisheries partnership agreements; (xi) reports on recent meetings of other regional and sub-regional organizations; and (xii) the FAO Committee on Fisheries (COFI).

    Le présent document est le rapport final adopté par le Comité des pêches pour l’Atlantique Centre-Est (COPACE) à sa vingt-et-unième session tenue à Dakar, Sénégal, du 20 au 22 avril 2016. Les principales questions examinées ont été les suivantes: (i) action sur les recommandations de la vingtième session; (ii) principaux résultats de la septième session du Sous-Comité scientifique ; (iii) l’aménagement des pêches dans la région COPACE : état de l’élaboration et de la mise en oeuvre des plans d’aménagement des pêches et adoption des recommandations en matière d’aménagement ; (iv) actions prises pour lutter contre la pêche INDNR ; (v) fermeture des Ecosystèmes Marins Vulnérables dans la zone COPACE ; (vi) orientations pour l’amélioration du fonctionnement du COPACE et la collaboration avec d’autres organisations régionales et sous régionales ; (vii) cadre d’aménagement des petits pélagiques partagés au large de l’Afrique du Nord-Ouest ; (viii) le rôle potentiel des ORP dans le nouveau programme EAFNansen : le cas du COPACE ; (ix) étude sur l’évolution des pêcheries de petits pélagiques en Afrique de l’Ouest et impact possible sur la nutrition et la sécurité alimentaire en Afrique de l’Ouest ; (x) étude sur les avis scientifiques donnés en matière d’estimation des excédents pour les accords de partenariat de pêche durable ; (xi) rapports des récentes réunions d’autres organisations régionales ou sous régionales ; et (xii) Comité des Pêches de la FAO (COFI).

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    Book (series)
    GFCM - Report of the sixth session of the Scientific Advisory Committee. Thessaloniki, Greece, 30 June - 3 July 2003 / CGPM - Rapport de la sixième session du Comité scientifique consultatif. Tessalonique, Grèce, 30 juin - 3 juillet 2003 2003
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    The sixth session of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) was held in Thessaloniki, Greece, from 30 June to 3 July 2003. It was attended by delegates from fourteen members of the Commission. The Committee reviewed work by its subcommittees during the intersessional period, appraised research activities, formulated advice on fishery management and research and agreed on a workplan for 20032004. In particular, SAC invited the Commissi on to encourage members to adopt measures aimed at adjusting fishing effort to maintain selected small pelagic and demersal recruitment stocks at levels compatible with sustainable exploitation. The Committee requested that the Commission reinforce the implementation of the measures that would contribute to reverse declining biomass of a number of important stocks. SAC endorsed proposals of its Working Group on Operational Units and noted progress made by the Joint GFCM/ICCAT Working Group on Tu na Farming. The Committee made suggestions to rationalize some aspects of its modus operandi. It further welcomed the undertaking of an appraisal of its achievements and recommended that the outcome be presented at the next session of the Commission. The Committee unanimously elected a new chairperson, and first and second vice-chairpersons and further endorsed the nomination of coordinators of the four subcommittees.

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