Charting a transformative course in food and nutrition security in Guatemala | FAO | |
dc.coverage.spatial | Guatemala | | | 2024 | | | 2024-10-25T12:11:47Z | |
dc.description.abstract | Transforming agrifood systems requires a united effort from all stakeholders: government, civil society, producers, consumers, the private sector, and academia. Each group brings unique perspectives and power dynamics, influencing decision-making processes.The case of Guatemala presented in this issue brief illustrates the vital role governance has played in shaping strategies to address complex challenges in food security and nutrition. Drawing from the experience of the Food and Nutrition Security, Impact, Resilience, Sustainability and Transformation (FIRST) Programme, a partnership between the European Union and FAO that operated in about 30 countries, including Guatemala, the brief indicates how policies that are aligned with, and capable of being supported by existing political structures and state capacities, have better chances to be effective and equitable in practice. | |
dc.format.numberofpages | 4 p. | |
dc.language.iso | English | |
dc.publisher | FAO ; | |
dc.rights.copyright | FAO | |
dc.title | Charting a transformative course in food and nutrition security in Guatemala | |
dc.title.subtitle | Governance and policy support: Issue brief | |
dc.type | Policy brief | |
fao.altmetricbadge | No | |
fao.citation | <div class="ExternalClassEFF8D3F53AD04B1D8EA523C69DC40D51"><div>FAO. 2024. <em>Charting a transformative course in food and nutrition security in Guatemala <span lang="EN-GB" style="font-size:10pt;font-family:"segoe ui", sans-serif;color:#212529;">–</span> Governance and policy support: Issue brief</em>. <span style="color:#212529;">Rome.</span></div><p><br></p></div> | |
fao.contentcategory | Technical | |
fao.identifier.doi | | |
fao.identifier.jobnumber | CD2911EN | |
fao.placeofpublication | Rome, Italy ; | |
fao.sdgs | 01. End poverty in all its forms everywhere | |
fao.sdgs | 02. End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture | |
fao.sdgs | 03. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages | |
fao.sdgs | 08. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent worlk for all | |
fao.sdgs | 12. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns | |
fao.sdgs | 17. Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development | |
fao.subject.agrovoc | agrifood systems | en |
fao.subject.agrovoc | food security | en |
fao.subject.agrovoc | nutrition | en |
fao.subject.agrovoc | multi-stakeholder processes | en |
fao.subject.agrovoc | policy analysis | en |
fao.subject.agrovoc | governance | en |
fao.subject.agrovoc | Guatemala | en |
fao.visibilitytype | PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE |
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