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Baseline assessment of home-grown school feeding in Ethiopia

Prift, E. 2023. Baseline assessment of home-grown school feeding in Ethiopia. Rome, FAO.

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    Distributional impacts of home-grown school feeding and conservation agriculture in Zambia​ 2021
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    The aim of this study is to explore the distributional impacts on poverty and income of two programmes in Zambia, the Home Grown School Feeding (HGSF) programme and the Conservation Agriculture Scale-Up (CASU) project, complementing the impact evaluation findings by Prifti & Grinspun (2019). These programmes target different parts of the population but are partly overlapping; they aim to influence poverty and food security through different channels. In the World Food Programme (WFP)’s HGSF modality, school feeding or provision of free meals for schoolchildren is complemented with procurement of food used for the meals from local smallholders. The purchase scheme aims to provide market access for smallholders, hence improving income stability and incentives to invest, ultimately increasing their productivity and reducing poverty. The objectives of school meals alone are improvement in schoolchildren’s nutrition as well as improvement in school attendance and hence human capital accumulation. Conservation agriculture (CA) consists of production methods that reduce farmers’ vulnerability to climate risks and improve productivity. The CASU programme promoted the use of such methods among smallholders through training and demonstration and provision of inputs, aiming for adoption of more sustainable farming which increases farm productivity in the long run.
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    A toolkit for incorporating fish into the home-grown school feeding programme 2024
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    Food and nutrition security is one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals enshrined in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. In an attempt to contribute to reaching this objective, school feeding programmes are serving meals to over 418 million pre-primary, primary and secondary schoolchildren around the world. The positive experience from a project supported by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in Angola, Honduras and Peru that incorporated locally procured fish into home-grown school feeding (HGSF) programmes led to the elaboration of this toolkit. This toolkit is designed to support governments, project designers, managers and practitioners involved in the fishery value chain and school feeding, who want to incorporate locally procured, safe, nutritious and affordable fish and fish products into their existing HGSFs. Therefore, this toolkit is expected to assist them during the rapid assessment of the situation of the school feeding and fishery sector, and the identification of challenges and opportunities present while incorporating fish and fish products into HGSFs. To this end, this toolkit adopts three main approaches: the Sustainable Food Value Chain for Nutrition to enhance the consideration of nutrition lens in the value chain approach; the gender-transformative approach to support women fisherfolk in their activities and increase their participation in school feeding programmes; and local and inclusive food procurement to connect public demand for food to small-scale fisherfolk. Specifically, this toolkit proposes 4 phases and 15 flexible and adaptable tools to sustainably serve fish and fish products at schools.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Impact evaluation of the Home Grown School Feeding and Conservation Agriculture Scale-up programmes in Zambia 2021
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    This impact evaluation report quantifies the impacts of Zambia’s Home Grown School Feeding (HGSF) programme – one of the country’s biggest social protection programmes – and the Conservation Agriculture Scale Up (CASU) project, both alone and in combination with each other. The report looks at how the programmes affected farm production and other livelihoods, the food security situation of the household and of school-going children and the educational outcomes of the latter. The report concludes that each programme or programme component considered in isolation meets their strictly defined objectives, but their combination leads to unintended conflicting influence on certain outcomes, thus highlighting the need for increased coherence between programmes. The household and community surveys for the evaluation of the programmes took place between October 2017 and January 2018. The total sample size is 3 636 households and a total of 72 community interviews were also conducted.

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