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The Global Action for Fall Armyworm Control: Action framework 2020–2022

Working together to tame the global threat

FAO. 2020. The Global Action for Fall Armyworm Control: Action framework 2020–2022. Working together to tame the global threat. Rome.

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    The Global Action for Fall Armyworm Control: A resource mobilization guide 2022
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    Fall Armyworm (FAW, Spodoptera frugiperda) is a pest originating in the Americas: it can fly over 100 km per day; it feeds on over 80 hosts; and a female moth can deposit 1 000 eggs during its life. Challenges in mitigating FAW damage include, among others, lack of the following: coordination at global, regional and national levels; effective monitoring and control techniques; and effective phytosanitary measures and capacity at national level. The Global Action for Fall Armyworm Control (GA, 2020-2022) was launched by FAO Director-General QU Dongyu on 4 December 2019 with a mandate for a strong and coordinated approach to strengthen prevention and sustainable pest control capacities. The GA focuses on Africa, Asia-Pacific and the Near East, where an integrated pest management (IPM) strategy will be implemented in countries with significant pest presence, and a prevention strategy will be conducted in areas with limited or no distribution of the pest. The GA has continued to support countries in managing FAW throughout the COVID-19 pandemic by conducting webinars and virtual trainings on FAW monitoring and management and by implementing activities where possible. The Resource Mobilization Guide is intended as a roadmap for use by key stakeholders at regional and national levels to help them identify and engage with a diverse range of existing and potential resource mobilization partners on the critical importance of FAW control for a wide range of sustainable development outcomes.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Implementation plan for the Global Action for Fall Armyworm Control 2020
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    This document outlines the plan for implementing the three-year Global Action for Fall Armyworm Control. The Global Action activities are based on the following five implementation principles: 1. Awareness-raising Awareness will be increased among all partners and stakeholders at global, regional and national levels to inspire their active engagement in the Global Action. 2. Coordination The activities of the Global Action will be coordinated at the global level through steering and technical committees, and at the national level based on the establishment of FAW national task forces. The global partnership on FAW sustainable management will be strengthened to bring together all partners into a coordinated and coherent structure, in which they can use their comparative advantages in complementary and synergistic ways, to maximize efficiency and effectiveness of the FAW response. 3. Technical support Innovative approaches and technologies, including new digital tools, have been developed and are available for area-specific strategies. These can also be applied for monitoring and early warning; prevention and control; plus surveillance and diagnoses. Technical support will be guided by a Technical Steering Committee and assisted by six Technical Working Groups (TWGs). 4. Resource mobilization Funds will be mobilized from all relevant sources, national budgets, private sector, development partners, development banks and FAO contributions. 5. Communication Outreach strategies at all levels and dissemination of knowledge materials to increase visibility and impact will complement the Global Action. Technical information will be transferred to smallholder farmers.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Report: First meeting of the Technical Committee for the Global Action for Fall Armyworm Control, 18 May 2020, 15.00-17.00 hours (Zoom) 2020
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    Report from the first virtual meeting of the Technical Committee of the Global Action for Fall Armyworm.

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