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A decision support tool for sustainable bioenergy

An overview

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    Book (stand-alone)
    A review of the current state of bioenergy development in G8 + 5 countries 2007
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    Bioenergy sits at the intersection of three of the world’s great challenges - energy security, climate change, and poverty reduction - and has received an enormous amount of attention in the past few years. Joint work on these issues is vital considering that together, the G8 +5 Countries account for about 55 percent of the world’s population, 70+ percent of global GDP, and about 72 percent of world energy-related and industry CO2 emissions (excluding deforestation). Bioenergy statis tics are inadequate and not up to date. They are essential to understand the dynamics of bioenergy systems; evaluating the role played by different types of biofuels in the energy sector and supply sources; assessing the share of biomass used (directly and indirectly) for energy purposes; assessing the role of biofuel in GHG inventories; and formulating sound policies.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    FAO Support Package to Decision: Making for Sustainable Bioenergy 2013
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    The rapid development of bioenergy, and in particular liquid biofuels, has generated considerable debate regarding their sustainability, in particular the so-called “food versus fuel” competition. The links between bioenergy and food security are complex and multi-faceted.
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    Book (series)
    Bioenergy and Food Security Assessment for Turkey 2016
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    This report was developed under the FAO EBRD project on bioenergy with the aim is to support decision-making related to bioenergy investment in countries of operations of the EBRD. Turkey, a country of operation, has a large agriculture sector, the requirement to produce 20 percent of its electricity from renewable energy and diversify its energy mix, which currently heavily relies on imported fossil fuels. This report presents the results from the country level assessment to identify the potent ial to produce bioenergy from crop and livestock residues. The analysis shows there is significant potential in Turkey, identifies the type of suitable feedstock, the most promising locations and profitable bioenergy pathways. The report also provides recommendations for the required next steps to move the development of the specific bioenergy sector forward. The work was implemented in close collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Turkey, and other key stakeholders.

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