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Water Productivity and Sustainability in NENA Countries Newsletter, April 2020 - Issue #1

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    Water Productivity and Sustainability in NENA Countries Newsletter, July 2021 - Issue #2 2021
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    The Near East and North Africa (NENA) region, already exposed to chronic shortage of water, will face in the coming decades a severe intensification of water scarcity due to several drivers, including demographic growth and its related food demands, urbanization, energy demand and overall socio-economic development. Furthermore, the NENA region is experiencing more frequent intense extreme events (in particular droughts) as a consequence of climate change. The recently agreed 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development requires evidently a ‘transformational’ change in managing strategic resources, such as water, land and energy. The project "Implementing the 2030 agenda for water efficiency/productivty, and water sustainability in the NENA region" aims at establishing a robust water accounting system providing the evidence base for the full water and for monitoring progress in the achievement of the targets while assessing the institutional effectiveness to govern water resources; implementing a series of interventions to increase water efficiency and productivity in selected farming systems of the countries to help in achieving SDG 6.4; ensuring that higher efficiency and productivity achievements for the 2030 timeline are attained within ‘safe operational boundaries of water use’ defining the conditions for ‘water sustainability’ for sustainable, socially equitable and human rights based development; and raising awareness on the water-food-energy theme. This newsletter edition summarizes the activities that took place under the project in 2019, which lie under the four main objectives mentioned above.
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    Water Productivity and Sustainability in NENA Countries Newsletter, July 2021 - Issue #3
    Summary of activities from July to December 2020
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    The Near East and North Africa (NENA) region, already exposed to chronic shortage of water, will face in the coming decades a severe intensification of water scarcity due to several drivers, including demographic growth and its related food demands, urbanization, energy demand and overall socio-economic development. Furthermore, the NENA region is experiencing more frequent, intense extreme events (in particular droughts) as a consequence of climate change. The recently agreed 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development requires evidently a ‘transformational’ change in managing strategic resources, such as water, land and energy. The countries of the region need to strategically plan their water resources management and allocation, review their water, food security and energy policies, formulate effective investment plans, modernize governance and institutions and account for transboundary surface and groundwater. Good practices need to be adopted to ensure alignment with the imperatives of (i) setting the sustainable limits of water consumption and (ii) making the best use of each single drop of water, including the use of non-conventional water sources. This newsletter is a recap for the activities that took place on a regional level for the period from July to December 2020, for this project "Implementing the 2030 Agenda for water efficiency/productivity and water sustainability in the NENA countries".
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Water and agriculture in the agenda 2030 for the Near East and North Africa Region
    Implementing the 2030 Agenda for water efficiency/productivity and water sustainability in Near East and North Africa (NENA) countries”
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    The NENA region already exposed to chronic shortage of water will face in the coming decades a severe intensification of water scarcity due to several drivers, including demographic growth and its related food demands, urbanization, energy demand and overall socio-economic development. Furthermore, NENA is experiencing more frequent, intense extreme events (in particular droughts) as a consequence of climate change. The project aims to support this transformational change and aims to set the proper framework for implementing the 2030 agenda for water efficiency and productivity (SDG 6.4) and define the safe boundaries for effective water sustainability.

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