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Global Plan of Action for Animal Genetic Resources and the Interlaken Declaration

Adopted by the International Technical Conference on Animal Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, Interlaken, Switzerland, 3-7 September 2007

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    Book (stand-alone)
    Rencana Aksi Global Sumber Daya Genetik Ternak dan Deklarasi Interlaken
    Diadopsi dari Konferensi Teknis Internasional Sumber Daya Genetik Ternak untuk Pangan dan Pertanian, Interlaken, Switzerland, 3-7 September 2007
    Pemanfaatan berkelanjutan, pembangunan dan konservasi SDGT dunia merupakan hal yan sangat penting untuk pembangunan pertanian, produksi pangan, pembangunan pedesaan dan lingkungan. Untuk menunjukkan pentingnya pengembangan kerangka kerja yang efektif untuk manajemen sumber daya ini dan menunjukkan adanya ancaman erosi genetik, maka 109 negara berkumpul pada bulan September 2007 dalam pertemuan pertama yaitu Konferensi Teknis Internasional Sumber Daya Genetik Ternak untuk Pangan dan Pertan ian (International Technical Conference on Animal Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture) yang diselenggarakan di Interlaken, Switzerland. Konferensi tersebut menyetujui The Global Plan of Action for Animal Genetic Resources - yang menyampaikan 23 Area Prioritas Strategis untuk rencana aksi guna mempromosikan kebjakan tatalaksana sumber daya yang sangat penting ini. The Global Plan of Action merupakan hasil dari suatu proses dalam tiap negara mencakup pelaporan, analisis dan diskusi, y ang juga dihasilkan sebagai bagian dari penyiapan The State of the World's Animal Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, yang merupakan pengkajian secara menyeluruh tentang keragaman peternakan dan tatalaksanana. Konferensi tersebut juga menyetujui The Interlaken Declaration on Animal Genetic Resources, yang menguatkan komitmen setiap negara untuk melaksanakan The Global Plan of Action serta memastikan bahwa setiap keragaman ternak dunia digunakan untuk mempromosikan keamanan pangan dunia serta tetap tersedia untuk generasi mendatang.
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    Book (series)
    Developing the institutional framework for the management of animal genetic resources 2011
    The Global Plan of Action for Animal Genetic Resources, adopted in 2007, is the first internationally agreed framework for the management of biodiversity in the livestock sector. The guidelines on the Development of Institutional Frameworks for the Management of Animal genetic resources have been endorsed by the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. They are part of a series of guidelines prepared to support countries in the implementation of the Global Plan of Ac tion. They complement, in particular, the guidelines on the Preparation of national strategies and action plans for animal genetic resources. A sound institutional framework provides a basis for effective management of animal genetic resources both nationally and internationally. The guidelines present an overview of the components of the global network for the management of animal genetic resources and advice on how they can be strengthened at national and regional levels. Detailed guidance is provided on the role of National Coordinators for the Management of Animal Genetic Resources and the development and operation of National Focal Points for the Management of Animal Genetic Resources supported by National Advisory Committees, working groups and country stakeholder networks. Progress towards the establishment of a network of Regional Focal Points for Animal Genetic Resources is reviewed and advice is offered in the form of a series of steps that can be fo llowed by stakeholders wishing to establish and sustain focal points in their regions. The guidelines draw on lessons learned from many years of experience in the implementation of programmes and focal points for the management of animal genetic resources in many parts of the world, and include personal contributions from individuals who have been actively involved in this work.
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    Animal Genetic Resources 2007
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    Sustainable management of the world’s animal genetic resources is of vital importance to agriculture, food production, rural development and the environment. The first International Technical Conference on Animal Genetic Resources to be held in Interlaken, Switzerland, in September 2007 will raise awareness among stakeholders and promote improved policy development and cooperation at all levels. This special issue of AGRI reflects the efforts made by governments, INGOs, NG Os, livestock keepers, and FAO in the area of animal genetic resources. It reviews the development of AnGRrelated activities, presents examples of breed improvement and conservation measures, and discusses a number of policy issues. Also included are 17 contributions highlighting national actions in animal genetic resources management that have been implemented subsequent to the preparation of the Country Reports on the State of Animal Genetic Resources.

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