Legal framework for terrestrial animal biosecurity in the United Republic of Tanzania | FAO | |
dc.coverage.spatial | United Republic of Tanzania | | | 2024 | | | 2024-08-30T12:26:09Z | |
dc.description.abstract | Strengthening biosecurity will reduce health risks, improve production and enhance livelihoods through socioeconomic benefits. In the United Republic of Tanzania, the focus is on pig value chain actors, initially producers to adopt routine biosecurity practices at the farm level, to eventually scale up to involve other nodes of the value chain and/or wider geographic regions. Legislation and policy cover good practices that stakeholders should adopt to reduce the threat of health risks affecting livestock productivity and profitability.This policy brief reviews the legal framework related to biosecurity in terrestrial animal value chains (with a focus on the pig sector) in the United Republic of Tanzania to analyse the extent to which good biosecurity practices are legislated and biosecurity management is highlighted and actions that are recommended in livestock-related policy. The existing legislation mainly focuses on enforcing good biosecurity practices during outbreak situations, highlighting a gap in routine on-farm biosecurity as a preventative measure and a potential focus for future revisions. | |
dc.format.numberofpages | 7 p. | |
dc.language.iso | English | |
dc.publisher | FAO ; | |
dc.rights.copyright | FAO | |
dc.title | Legal framework for terrestrial animal biosecurity in the United Republic of Tanzania | |
dc.title.subtitle | Assessing national-level legislation, regulation and policy gaps related to the implementation of biosecurity in livestock (pig) value chains | |
dc.type | Booklet | |
fao.altmetricbadge | No | |
fao.citation | <div class="ExternalClass713C92AED6F543A3A179D1231614509E"><p>FAO. 2024. <span style="color:#212529;"><em>Legal framework for terrestrial animal </em></span><span style="color:#212529;"><em>biosecurity in the United Republic of Tanzania </em></span><span style="color:#212529;"><em>Assessing national-level legislation, regulation and </em></span><span style="color:#212529;"><em>policy gaps related to the implementation of biosecurity</em></span><span style="color:#212529;"><em>in livestock (pig) value chain</em>s. Rome.</span></p><div><br></div><p><br></p></div> | |
fao.contentcategory | Technical | |
fao.identifier.jobnumber | CD2085EN | |
fao.placeofpublication | Rome, Italy ; | |
fao.sdgs | 02. End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture | |
fao.sdgs | 03. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages | |
fao.sdgs | 01. End poverty in all its forms everywhere | |
fao.subject.agrovoc | swine | en |
fao.subject.agrovoc | animal production | en |
fao.subject.agrovoc | disease prevention | en |
fao.subject.agrovoc | biosecurity | en |
fao.subject.agrovoc | best practices | en |
fao.subject.agrovoc | agricultural value chains | en |
fao.subject.agrovoc | legislation | en |
fao.subject.agrovoc | adaptation | en |
fao.subject.agrovoc | United Republic of Tanzania | en |
fao.visibilitytype | PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE |
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