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Management Systems for riverine fisheries

Scudder, Thayer.; Conelly, Thomas.Management Systems for riverine fisheries.FAO Fisheries Technical Paper.No.263. Rome. FAO. 1985. 85p.

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    Effects of riverine inputs on coastal ecosystems and fisheries resources 1995
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    Five chapters are presented which address a number of aspects of riverine and runoff effects on coastal marine systems. Examples are presented and documented in which the apparent effects of runnoff-related nutrient enrichment and consequent eutrophication have been important. Various other aspects, such as sedimentation, etc. are explored. The purpose is to advance the scientific, policy, and political dialogue on issues related to utilization and protection of coastal marine ecosystems. The “Marine Catchment Basin” or “MCB” appears to be the logical scale of policy and management interest wherever terrestrial runoff has substantial impacts on a marine system. The MCB expands the “marine ecosystem” concept to include not only the marine aquatic system, but also the adjacent land areas that drain into it. The MCB concept has been identified primarily with semi-enclosed seas, where effects have been particularly dramatic and where the “catchment basin” retains an easily visualized ge ological context. However, even along open ocean coasts, hydrodynamic processes act to retain coherent masses of water, together with their contained organisms and materials, against the coast. Thus open coastal areas may exhibit MCB features similar to those of enclosed or semi-enclosed basins.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Nile Perch Fishery Management Plan for Lake Victoria 2015-2019 2015
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    The Lake Victoria Nile perch (NP) fishery (fishing and post-harvest activities) is a significant contributor to the social and economic development of the Lake Victoria Fisheries Organization (LVFO) Partner States (Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda). The catch of NP has averaged 250 000 tonnes per annum for the last two decades. During the last decade, the fishery has faced serious problems of overcapitalisation and overfishing and high levels of non-compliance to regulations in the fishing and post-ha rvest sub-sectors. This has led to decreasing stock health resulting in an increased vulnerability of the resource base and suboptimal contribution of the fishery to the lake-side economies. A first specific Fishery Management Plan for the Nile perch Fishery (NPFMP1) covering the period 2009-2014 was developed in 2008 by LVFO. Other initiatives, both national and regional, aimed at reversing the Nile perch stock decline have also been promoted since 2008. The implementation of NPFMP1 and related initiatives has led to some progress in the management of the NP fishery; however gaps and weaknesses are still affecting the sustainability of the fishery and the full expression of social and economic benefits that could be derived from proper management of the fishery.
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    Book (series)
    Fisheries management in south-east Lake Malawi, the Upper Shire River and Lake Malombe with particular reference to chambo (Oreochromis spp.) 1993
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    This report summarizes the results of a four-year Government of Malawi/UNDP/FAO project to establish the basis for a management strategy for the chambo (Oreochromis spp.) fisheries in the South-East Arm of Lake Malawi, the upper Shire River and Lake Malombe. Three species were the focus of the study, but because of the complexity of the fisheries and their multispecies character, it was necessary to take account of the other stocks involved. The report lays out, then integrates the findings fr om a broad spectrum of investigations including fishery statistical systems and data, taxonomy, biology and growth of chambo with attention to other important fishes, stock assessment, descriptions of the fisheries, socio-economics and fish marketing. Also included are detailed scenarios and recommendations for the management of the fisheries including social and economic consequences.

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