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Consumer information and participation in interactive communication with consumers on food safety, risks and food quality

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    Communicating food safety regulations and risk management - involvement and participation of consumers and other stakeholders
    Conference Room Document proposed by the USA
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    The United States uses the information generated from food safety risk assessments to evaluate options and select strategies for managing identified risks. Risk management strategies often include new regulatory requirements, but also can include or consist of non-regulatory actions, such as voluntary efforts on the part of industry or consumer education initiatives. The US encourages and facilitates consumer and stakeholder participation in the development of risk management strategies. Further , in the development of new regulations, consumer and stakeholder participation is guaranteed by U.S. law. Food safety risks are communicated to the public though a variety of means, including public meetings, publications in the Federal Register, mailings to consumers and other stakeholders, and the Internet. The development of recently proposed regulations concerning the control of Listeria monocytogenes in ready-to-eat meat and poultry products provides a good example of how the US Depa rtment of Agriculture's Food Safety and Inspection Service facilitates public participation in risk management and rulemaking.
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    Ensuring efficient communication and interaction between food safety risk assessors and risk managers 2002
    The experts of the WHO Expert Consultation submitted the following principal comments: 1. Food Safety Authorities in Member Countries should structure their food safety system(s) on a risk-based approach that includes appropriate communication and interaction between risk assessors, risk managers, and stakeholders. 2. The functional separation of risk assessment and risk management is essential to the conduct of risk analysis activities. 3. Independence, transparency, and robustness o f the scientific analyses and advice are essential determinants of their credibility. Nonetheless, effective dialogue among risk assessors, risk managers, and other stakeholders is essential to maximize the utility of the assessment findings and to ensure that both scientific and societal goals are met. Concerning the interactions between risk managers and risk assessors, the terminology adopted or under discussion of the FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius Commission is used. The same applies to the d escription of risk analysis.
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    Communicating food safety regulations and risk management: Involvement and pariticipation of consumers and other stakeholders - THE UK EXPERIENCE
    Conference Room Document submitted by the United Kingdom
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    The Food Standards Agency recognises the importance and value in involving consumers and other stakeholders effectively in the decision-making process. The involvement of key stakeholders at an early stage has helped the Agency to develop effective policies. The Agency recognises that it can be difficult for consumers to contribute effectively. The Agency has implemented a number of initiatives targeted specifically at helping consumers. In addition the Agency recognises that being open an d accessible has helped build trust in the decision-making process and helped to stimulate a wider debate on food issues.

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