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Monitorear la sostenibilidad de la bioeconomía/Monitoring the sustainability of the bioeconomy

Piloto en Uruguay/Pilot in Uruguay

Pozo, P., Gordillo, F., Polcaro, S., Gomez San Juan, M. & Schweinle J. 2023. Monitorear la sostenibilidad de la bioeconomía - Piloto en Uruguay/ Monitoring the sustainability of the bioeconomy  Pilot in Uruguay. Roma/ Rome, FAO. 

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    Bioeconomy is credited as being one of the key pillars for the FAO Strategic Framework 2022–2031 to support the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. More than 60 countries and regions have a dedicated bioeconomy or bioscience strategy today, and many more are already implementing the bioeconomy with plans and programmes, often also attempting to monitor and evaluate the progress towards the transition. Moreover, where trade-offs exist between different sustainability objectives, the bioeconomy offers an opportunity to realign the economy with the biosphere and account for the trade-offs in a holistic way. This toolbox provides a methodology to guide the development of bioeconomy strategies, and other elements to support its deployment, from dedicated governance systems, to monitoring frameworks to action on the ground. Many of the examples in this toolbox refer to knowledge gained through FAO experience, while being forward-looking and designed to help more countries and regions embark on or continue their journey towards building a sustainable bioeconomy. This aligns with FAO’s strategic mission over the next decade; FAO is the first United Nations entity to elevate bioeconomy to a corporate priority, including it as one of 20 programme priority areas under its Strategic Framework 2022–2031. This reflects the growing role that FAO sees for bioeconomy as a driver of sustainable agrifood systems transformation over the next decade.
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    This guidance note describes a series of general steps to establish an effective and robust system to monitor the sustainability of the bioeconomy in a given country or macro-region. This note builds on lessons learned from existing experiences of national and macro-regional bioeconomy monitoring systems. It was jointly developed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC), under the mandate of the International Bioeconomy Forum.

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