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Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetFarm machinery and equipment for harvest, post-harvest and storage 2023
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No results found.The course provides an overview of the harvesting and post-harvest handling machinery that can enable small- to medium-scale farmers to harvest and process their crops quickly, while significantly reducing drudgery - and more importantly, losses. Such machinery can also help farmers to store their harvested products to keep them safe, nutritious and optimal for sale and self-consumption. -
Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetOperation and maintenance of agricultural equipment for hire service businesses 2021
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No results found.This fact sheet describes the course that aims to present the general aspects of operation and maintenance of the agricultural equipment used within a hire service business. It introduces the concepts of proper operation, maintenance and repair service provision of machineries, equipment and tools. It explains the main principles of use and maintenance/care of agricultural power sources (including draught animals), implements and machines most likely to be of interest to mechanization service providers for smallholder farmers. -
No Thumbnail AvailableBook (stand-alone)Addressing the challenges facing agricultural mechanization input supply and farm product processing
Proceedings of an FAO Workshop held at the CIGR World Congress on Agricultural Engineering Bonn, Germany, 5–6 September 2006
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