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    Nutrition guidelines and standards for school meals
    A report from 33 low and middle-income countries
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    Setting nutrition guidelines and standards has been recommended internationally to ensure that school meals are in line with children’s nutrition needs and adequate to their context. This report provides a descriptive overview of the situation of school meal nutrition guidelines and standards in 33 low and middle-income countries as reported through a global survey. The report identifies key aspects to consider for stakeholders who are planning to develop or update their guidelines and standards in the context of school meal programmes.
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    Training manual on forests and trees for food security and nutrition 2020
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    Currently in Tanzania, training institutions for professionals in cross-cutting sectors such as forestry and agriculture do not adequately capture the role of forest and tree resources for food security and nutrition, leading to dependency on one sector – agriculture – to cater for food and nutrition diversity. This undervalues the fundamental role of forest ecosystem services for sustainable agriculture by regulating water flows, stabilizing soils, maintaining soil fertility, regulating the climate, and providing habitat for wild pollinators and predators of agricultural pests. Provision of education on sustainable forests and trees for food security and nutrition at all levels seems to be the most conceivable entry point to ensure that adequate knowledge and skills are imparted to professionals. The goals of this training manual are to: enhance the recognition and significance of forestry to food security and nutrition through the sustainable management and use of forests and trees2; enhance the food security and nutrition benefits from the forests and trees; enhance and stimulate research and training capacity; strengthen institutional frameworks by incorporating food security and nutrition objectives in forest management policies, programmes and projects; and develop value chains based on forest and tree resources for sustainable development in the country. The overall objective is to create awareness and enable increased investment in the forestry sector for food security and nutrition in Tanzania. This training manual is also meant to serve as a useful tool for sharing and exchanging knowledge and experiences across different regions (within the country) and beyond.
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    School nutrition education programmes in the Pacific Islands: Scoping review and capacity needs assessment
    Final report
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    The School Nutrition Education Programme (SNEP) is an intervention to educate school students on nutrition and food preparation with the aim of influencing healthy nutrition choice and practice at an age when life time behaviour habits are developing and in the wider community. FAO defines School Food Nutrition Education as consisting of coherent educational strategies and learning activities, with environmental supports, which help schoolchildren and their communities to achieve sustainable improvements in their diets and in food- and lifestyle-related behaviours, perceptions, skills and knowledge; and to build the capacity to change, to adapt to external change and to act as agents of change. This publication is the scopy study and capacity needs assessment and final report for the SNEP project.

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