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Global Forest Resources Assessment 2010 - Country Report: Occupied Palestinian Territory

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    Country profile – Occupied Palestinian Territory
    AQUASTAT Report
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    This country profile describes the state of the water resources and water use, as well as the state of agricultural water management in Occupied Palestinian Territory. The aim of this report is to describe the particularities of the country and the problems met in the development of the water resources, and irrigation in particular. Irrigation trends, existing policies and legislation to water use in agriculture, possible treaties and agreements between countries as well as prospects for water management in agriculture are presented, as described in literature. The AQUASTAT country profiles are based on the information available at the time they have been written or updated, generally every five to ten years. For the most recent reliable country data, reference is made to the AQUASTAT main database.
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    Final Evaluation of the Institutional Level Component of the Project “Support for Livestock-based Livelihoods of Vulnerable Populations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory" - Management Response
    Project Evaluation - Management Response - OSRO/GAZ/201/EC
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    Palestinians in the WBGS face a protracted crisis; durable and sustainable solutions are needed to protect and promote their livelihoods beyond short-term responses. In an effort to link relief, rehabilitation and development, this project represents the institutional component of a larger programme funded by the European Union to provide “Support for Livestock-based Livelihoods of Vulnerable Populations in the Occupied Territories”. Under this project, FAO successfully led the coordination of all developmental activities to enhance public capacities of the Ministry of Agriculture in the livestock sector by putting new systems and processes in place. In order to ensure sustainability of the project’s results, the evaluation recommends that the Palestinian Authority enact policies to make livestock product supply meet demand, that greater awareness of the importance of tagging animals is built among herders and that an assessment be conducted of the international livestock market.

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