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Handbook for Defining and Setting up a Food Security Information and Early Warning System (FSIEWS)

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    Final evaluation of the project: Establishing a sustainable National Information and Early Warning System (NIEWS) on Food Security in Timor-Leste
    Management Response. February 2016
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    The report explicitly explains the observations and thoughts of the Evaluation Team (ET) particularly summarizing important points from project design to the sustainability of NIEWS, particularly the emphasis on the institutional set-up of the project that was rated as well conceived, as it promoted the ownership of NIEWS by MAF. Recommendations were provided for every category, although some were overlapping that will guide follow-up or future actions on NIEWS. Given a very short visit the ET w as able to analyze and capture project progress and clearly pointed out the important achievements of the NIEWS, despite the challenges encountered during project implementation.
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    Book (series)
    Global Early Warning – Early Action Report on Food Security and Agriculture 2017
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    The Global Early Warning - Early Action System (EWEA) report on food security and agriculture is developed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) through its EWEA. The system aims to translate forecasts and early warnings into anticipatory action. The Global EWEA report is a quarterly forward-looking analytical summary of major disaster risks to food security and agriculture. This report specifically highlights: HIGH RISK: Yemen (risk of famine), South Sudan (risk o f famine due to conflict), Nigeria – northeast (risk of famine due to conflict), Somalia (risk of famine due to drought), Democratic Republic of Congo (localized conflict), Kenya & Ethiopia (drought). ON WATCH: Africa – Fall Armyworm (outbreak), Uganda (displacement), Sri Lanka (prolonged drought and localized floods), Central African Republic (escalation of localized conflict driving displacements), Chad (displacement and deteriorating food security) and El Niño (droughts, floods and cyclones).
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    Strengthening of Food Security Information and Early Warning Systems Affected by the Protracted Syrian Crisis - TCP/SYR/3603 2020
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    Rural and agricultural livelihoods in the Syrian Arab Republic have been severely affected since 2011 as a result of economic, environmental and humanitarian factors. Trade sanctions, disrupted supply chains, restricted movement of goods and ailing infrastructure have increased production and transportation costs. In addition, a limited access to productive land due to internal conflict and damage to essential irrigation systems put additional pressure on rural communities, the majority of whom had already been struggling to adapt to decreased rainfall. Consequently, ensuring food and nutrition in rural and agricultural communities has become an especially top priority for the government and for national and international development actors alike. However, current national information systems and data collection protocols specific to food security and early warning systems have proven insufficient vis-à-vis the severity of the national context, thus shedding light on the urgent need to strengthen data and information generation and sharing systems. Planning for emergency, recovery and development interventions in the absence of regular, robust and reliable food security data has made it more challenging to respond to the country’s priorities.

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