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Strengthening of Food Security Information and Early Warning Systems Affected by the Protracted Syrian Crisis - TCP/SYR/3603

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    Strengthening Food Security Information Systems in Countries Affected by the Syrian Crisis - TCP/RAB/3502 2019
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    One of the most serious shortcomings with regard to properplanning for emergency, recovery and developmentinterventions is the absence of comprehensively reliableinformation to assess the exact impact of the various facetsof the unfolding Syria crisis on the rural settings and agriculturesectors of Syria and its neighbouring countries. To effectivelyrespond to the food security concerns of the Syrian crisissubregion, it is important to have robust, evidence based,cross-sectoral food security analysis. Against this background,the project aimed to assess national and subregional capacitiesfor food security information analysis and early warning systems(FSIEWS) in Iraq, Jordan and Lebanon, as well as fill criticaltechnical gaps, and provide reliable data to better informpolicy-makers and decision-making processes.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Syrian Arab Republic: Protecting wheat farmers by anticipating La Niña-induced drought in crisis-affected areas 2022
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    The Syrian Arab Republic is affected by compounding risk factors such as conflict, economic crises and natural hazards, which have severe impacts on food security. In September 2021, forecasts indicated below-average winter rains, likely to again affect wheat production, livelihoods and food security. Many wheat farmers and their vulnerable families are unlikely to be able to access suitable wheat seeds without support. The German Federal Foreign Office’s contribution to the Anticipatory Action window of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations' (FAO's) Special Fund for Emergency and Rehabilitation Activities (SFERA-AA) will help wheat farmers mitigate the impact of increasing prices for food commodities, agriculture inputs and an expected below-average domestic cereal production on their food security. Early action protects farmers in the Syrian Arab Republic by anticipating La Niña-induced drought in crisis-affected areas.
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    Syrian Arab Republic: Earthquake response and recovery plan, 2023–2026 2023
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    The earthquakes that struck the Syrian Arab Republic on 6 February 2023 caused major damages and losses, affecting both urban and rural areas. For example, buildings collapsed in the main built-up areas; crops, livestock, food stocks and essential agricultural inputs were lost; and irrigation systems and farms were damaged, along with markets and infrastructure. As a result, food consumption gaps have grown further among the most vulnerable people. Given the already dire situation in the Syrian Arab Republic, after 12 years of conflict and crisis, there is an urgent need to address the suffering and uncertainty of the affected communities. In response, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations is proposing a three-year Earthquake response and recovery plan (ERRP), seeking USD 45 million to deliver both immediate and longer-term support to severely affected rural communities in the governorates of Aleppo, Hama, Idleb, Latakia and Tartous. Through the ERRP, FAO envisages that affected farming families will save and sustain their livelihoods, build self-reliance, and improve their resilience, ultimately reducing the humanitarian caseload. This document serves as a roadmap for the ERRP and as a resource mobilization tool, presenting the rationale, the expected impact, outcomes and outputs of the ERRP as well as the funding requirements.

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