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Terminal evaluation of project “Capacity, Policy and Financial Incentives for Participatory Forest Management in Kirisia Forest and Integrated Rangelands Management”

Project code: GCP/KEN/073/GFF - GEF ID: 5083

Annex 1. Terms of reference

Annex 2. Data collection tools

Management response

Evaluation Highlights

FAO. 2023. Terminal evaluation of project “Capacity, Policy and Financial Incentives for Participatory Forest Management in Kirisia Forest and Integrated Rangelands Management”. Project Evaluation Series, 26/2023. Rome.

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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Capacity, Policy and Financial Incentives for Participatory Forest Management in Kirisia Forest and Integrated Rangelands Management
    Evaluation Highlights
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    This final evaluation aims to assess the achievement of planned results, identify implementation barriers and determine factors influencing success or failure. It serves accountability and learning purposes. Primary users include the Government of Kenya, FAO (representatives, Project Task Force, Lead Technical Unit, programme and operations personnel), the donor and other stakeholders. The evaluation covers the entire project area in Kirisia Forest, encompassing GEF, government, and partner components, along with co-financed elements. It was conducted by the Regional Office for Africa with technical support from the FAO Office of Evaluation.
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    Terminal evaluation of the project “Sustainable forest management under the authority of Cameroonian Councils”
    Project code: GCP/CMR/033/GFF - GEF ID: 4800
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    Project "Sustainable forest management under the authority of Cameroonian councils" (GCP/CMR/033/GFF; GEF ID: 4800) was financed by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and implemented by the FAO along with the Ministry of Forests and Wildlife (MINFOF) the Ministry of Environment, Nature Protection and Sustainable Development (MINEPDED), and the Association of Forest Communes of Cameroon (ACFCAM) as well as other national partners as executing agencies. The final evaluation found the project was highly relevant to the needs of national governments and of Cameroonian councils, the FAO, and GEF despite gender and indigenous peoples’ issues not being prioritized. Significant capacity building of local council officials, Peasant Forest Committees (PFCs) and Council Forest Cells (CFCs) were achieved on sustainable forest management issues and carbon management. However, due to significant delays, internal governance conflicts and personal issues within the FAO and between national government partners and executing agencies, the landmark paradigmatic change in forest management approach, whereby council forest management plans would integrate sustainable forest management, biodiversity conservation and carbon management components have not been achieved. Project gains are likely to continue beyond the project but this is contingent on actions taken to address financial, institutional, social and environmental risks.
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    Book (series)
    Terminal evaluation of the project "Participatory assessment of land degradation and sustainable land management in grassland and pastoral systems
    Project code: GCP/GLO/530/GFF - GEF ID: 5724
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    The project ‘Participatory assessment of land degradation and sustainable land management in grassland and pastoral systems’ was implemented from 2017 to 2021 in Burkina Faso, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, the Niger, and Uruguay. The project successfully developed and tested a participatory rangeland and grassland assessment methodology (PRAGA); providing a practical tool for collecting data and information on rangeland and grassland health, thereby contributing to enable informed decision-making for sustainable rangeland and grassland management – thus aligning with UNCCD and SDG 15 (Life on Land). The evaluation provides five recommendations: i) develop strategies for facilitating the use by national stakeholders of remote sensing and GIS; ii) strengthen the gender dimension; iii) refine and promote PRAGA as a tool for monitoring of national CBD and UNFCCC commitments; iv) integrate more PRAGA assessments in interventions that invest in tangible rangeland management improvements; and v) establish an institutional home in FAO for rangeland and grassland management.

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