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Training course material for climate-wise women agents

Saeed, U., Hammad, M., Ibrahim, R.W. and Molyneux, N. 2024. Training course material for climate wise-women agents. Amman, FAO.

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    Module 4: Climate-smart high-value vegetables agribusiness
    Climate-smart Farmer Field School curriculum
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    The climate-smart Farmer Field School (FFS) initiative for smallholder farmers in Jordan has been launched under the project Building Resilience to Cope with Climate Change in Jordan Through Improving Water Use Efficiency in the Agriculture Sector (BRCCJ). A suite of climate-smart FFS training materials has been developed for different crops, cropping systems, and climate-smart agriculture technologies. The curriculum has six modules, namely, Module 1: climate-smart integrated homestead gardening, Module 2: climate-smart hydroponic leafy vegetable production, Module 3: climate-smart integrated fruit orchards, Module 4: climate-smart high-value vegetables agribusiness, Module 5: climate-smart rainfed wheat and barley, and Module 6: climate-smart livestock fodder bank. In support of the modules, catalogues for climate-smart agriculture technology have been developed to aid facilitators and farmer learning.In this module, several essential climate-smart technologies that are instrumental in establishing and managing successful high-value vegetables agribusiness in the project areas in Jordan have been introduced, including the following technologies: grow bags with peatmoss or cocopeat and grow bags trench technique, in addition to the greenhouse optimized for hydroponic vegetables.By promoting sustainable food production and enhancing climate resilience, this module offers a promising pathway towards adapting to climate change and water scarcity while achieving food security, livelihood improvements, and environmental sustainability in Jordan's agriculture sector.
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    Post-harvest management: bridging gaps and embracing innovations 2024
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    This publication contributes to ongoing initiatives aimed at reducing post-harvest loss (PHL) through capacity development and knowledge sharing. It aims to enhance understanding of the gaps in post-harvest management and how to address them. The publication highlights the importance of reducing post-harvest losses (PHL) in developing countries by integrating gender perspectives, providing support to agribusiness and entrepreneurship, and promoting climate change adaptation. Additionally, the publication provides recommendations for further actions.It targets practitioners, including extension staff, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), community-based organizations (CBOs), and academic institutions involved in providing technical support to farmers and policymakers, particularly those engaged in gender and climate change issues. Furthermore, the publication will benefit, guide, and inspire current and future FAO field projects that incorporate a post-harvest component.
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    Training guide on gender and climate change research in agriculture and food security for rural development 2013
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    The guide is an important resource for development professionals and researchers working with households and communities. The objective of the gender and climate training guide is to address the lack of information on how men and women adapt to, and mitigate climate change. The Participatory Action Research methods and activities of the guide help ensure that gender is reflected in research activities and outcomes. The guide will help promote gender-sensitive adaptation and mitigation activities in projects for agriculture and food security. A gender-sensitive approach in agriculture is crucial to ensure that all people are supported to respond to climatic challenges.

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