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Improving Food Security, Livelihoods and Income for Vulnerable Communities in South Sudan - GCP/SSD/006/SWI

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    Information systems boosting food security in South Sudan - GCP/SSD/003/EC 2017
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    The armed conflict that began in December 2013 in South Sudan has resulted in a weakening of government institutions, a breakdown in the provision of basic services, an economic crisis and severe disruption to livelihoods for a majority of the population. The cumulative effect of this has been severe and rising food insecurity across the country. The resultant post-conflict weakening of technical and institutional capacity has significantly eroded the Government’s ability to formulate and implem ent its national food security strategy. Consequently, food security interventions are now informed by Rapid Food Security Assessments and the more robust Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC), both of which almost always result in short-term or emergency humanitarian responses. Addressing chronic food insecurity in South Sudan requires a robust food security information system and analysis framework.
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    South Sudan: The impact of conflict on food security and livelihoods
    DIEM-Impact report, January 2024
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    Food insecurity in South Sudan is driven by cascading shocks including conflict and insecurity, macro-economic crisis caused by the depreciation of the local currency, high inflation, conflict in the Sudan, climatic shocks (floods and dry spells), climate- and conflict-induced population displacement, persistent low agricultural production levels, and the cumulative effects of prolonged years of asset depletion that continue to erode the coping capacities of households and the loss of livelihoods. This DIEM-Impact assessment adopted qualitative research approaches and enabled an understanding of experiences, attitudes, behaviours and interactions in relation to conflict and food insecurity, and the impacts of floods in locations where they have been prevalent.The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) established Data in Emergencies Impact (DIEM-Impact) to provide a granular and rapid understanding of the impact of large-scale hazards on agriculture and agricultural livelihoods using a variety of assessment methodologies, including primary and secondary information, remote sensing technologies, and FAO’s damage and loss methodology. DIEM-Impact presents a regularly updated and accessible state of food insecurity in fragile environments and helps underpin FAO's programming based on evidence.
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    Strengthening the resilience of communities in Lakes State, South Sudan - GCP/SSD/002/SPA 2019
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    Since the outbreak of civil war and the country’s independence in 2011,South Sudan has faced a number of significant challenges, including widespreadpoverty, skewed distribution of income and the inadequate delivery of socialservices. These have slowed the progress of food security initiatives and therecovery and rehabilitation of the country’s agriculture sector. Livestock playsan important role in the livelihoods of agropastoralist groups. The subsector’sfull potential is not realized, however, in large part as a result of the conflictbeing played out in the country and the resulting instability. Other highlyproblematic elements include disease outbreaks, limited infrastructure andpoorly organized and informed herders, who lack the means to generate addedvalue to dairy production. Within three counties of Lakes State, the projecttherefore aimed to support the increase in productivity and to improveresilience to disasters among agropastoral communities, in an effortto contribute to the country’s improved food and nutrition security in the longterm.

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