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National forest inventory field manual - Template

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    Book (stand-alone)
    Nigeria - National forest (carbon) inventory field manual 2020
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    This manual was prepared within the framework of a technical assistance (TA) agreement entitled “Forest Resources Inventory and Establishment of a forest reference level for REDD+ in Nigeria (UTF /NIR/066/NIR (644170)”, to support the implementation of national forest inventory (NFI) in Nigeria. An NFI is a key component of a measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) system which is a requirement of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) for the national forest monitoring system to assess anthropogenic forest-related greenhouse gas emissions by sources and removals by sinks. The results of the NFI will be used to support national institutions to address issues of REDD+ and greenhouse gas (GHG) international reporting obligations. It can be also used to review the policy processes to support sustainable forest management at national level.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Training manual on inventory of trees outside forests (TOF)
    Information and analysis for sustainable forest management: linking national and international efforts in South and Southeast Asia
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    An accurate inventory of forest and tree resources is essential for formulating sound strategies for forestry development. Accurate and up-to-date information on forest cover and growing stock of forests and trees are basic ingredients for planning and policy development. Tree resources outside forest areas or trees outside forests (TOF) can cover considerable areas. Traditionally, TOF were not inventoried and as a result, quantitative information about TOF is scarce. However, besides providi ng support to subsistence economies, these trees form a substantial source of raw materials for forest industries. This manual introduces several aspects of TOF inventories, to provide readers with a comprehensive overview of the tools needed to conduct an inventory. It provides insights into survey methods, describes procedures for data collection, data analysis, and formats for recording data during field surveys. Case studies from various countries are used to illustrate different inventor y methods. The emphasis is on practical and conventional methodologies.
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    Information of Forest Resources with Emphasis to National Forest Inventories
    Latin American and Caribbean Forestry Commission, Twenty-six Session, Guatemala City, Guatemala, 24–28 May 2010
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